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infringement will be so difficult to establish that the publication of this patent here and in England will simply create everywhere [[red underline]] imitation. [[/red underline]] 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] Dentures [[/vertical note in left margin]]
Specially as no [[strikethrough]] expensi [[/strikethrough]] expensive apparatus is needed. I believe [[red underline]] our Dental Products Co will simply pull the chestnuts out of the fire [[/red underline]] for the benefit of imitators. 
Rain & motor car congestion in the streets. 
Evening went to [[red underline]] Cosmopolitan Club [[/red underline]] for annual meeting of Trustees of [[red underline]] Institute of International Education [[/red underline]] While taking a light dinner Duggan read minutes & reports and told us of situation in Germany, Italy and Russia and influence on Universities. His account gave us a good example of what dictatorship or fascism means in depressing education in those countries. Miss [[red underline]] Gildersleeve [[/red underline]] of Barnard College was present so [[strikethrough]] whe [[/strikethrough]] were [[red underline]] Morgenthau [[/red underline]] Senior, Pack, babbling as ever, Dr. [[red underline]] Farrand [[/red underline]] of Cornell, Dr. Robinson Aydelotte, and [[red underline]] dear old John Basset Moore [[/red underline]] always smiling and interesting. [[strikethrough]] The [[/strikethrough]] Left at 8:15 P.M and drove with Celine from her Colony Club to Yonkers, together 
[[underline]] Nov 1 [[/underline]] At office discussed coming meeting of [[red underline]] Thiele ( Catalin) [[/red underline]] with George and Rossi. -  We all agree on subject. Evening visited as guest of [[red underline]] General Motors Co. [[/red underline]] the preview of their new car exhibition in main ballroom of Waldorf Astoria. Met several old friends there connected
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since long with motor car industry which today goes stronger than ever. Admirable construction of body and details of machinery, and low price for good cars. - What I object to is their beetle like so called stream line design of body. Head much too low and windows too small and too low, for good view of landscape. -  One feels like ducks in a crate driven to market. Took light supper at University Club 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] General Motors [[/vertical note in left margin]] 
[[underline]] Nov 2 [[/underline]]. Rainy. Busy all day, writing & studying and putting things in shape 
[[underline]] Nov 3 Sunday. [[/underline]] George here to discuss [[red underline]] Cyanamid situation. [[/red underline]] Tells me advantages of proposed union and [[red underline]] specially in view of ever increasing death and inheritance taxes, [[/red underline]] which will be so heavy in case of my death that our stock, unlisted and thence difficult to sell from the different trust funds I have created, will melt away before the taxes, thus taking control out of the hands of our family. By exchanging for [[red underline]] Cyanamid stock we shall have 10% [[/red underline]] of the votes which is more than any other of their subsidiaries.
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] Cyanamid [[/vertical note in left margin]]
Furthermore [[red underline]] we shall have a stock which is easily salable, [[/red underline]] while keeping intact the holding part of Bakelite corporation (under another name) maintaining our cash, securities, Autopoint, Building products, Dental products and the [[strikethrough]] printing [[/strikethrough]] new method printing (Swan). [[red underline]] We can remain in same offices if we like and [[/red underline]]