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him to think matters over and we would listen to his views or intentions. He said that he did not see any way but to sue us. So I told him to think it over. Our attitude which at first had been to accept a license from them but after listening to law counsel who were well versed on the [[strikethrough]] que [[/strikethrough]] laws concerning using patent licenses for price-fixing - we had come to another decision. 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] Catalin = Thiele, George Rossi & I. [[/vertical note in left margin]] 
The whole [[strikethrough]] They so [[/strikethrough]] conversation was carried on in a civilised way. - No bitterness simply mentioning the facts as they were, Rossi being present all the time and now and then joining in the conversation. - It looks very much as if we were going to face a patent suit, and I shall immediately start the necessary preparation. My first line of attack will be to establish evidence that the [[red underline]] Bruhat, [[/red underline]] French Patent filed in [[red underline]] 1916, [[/red underline]] then later filed in England, discloses simple methods not infringing the Catalin process claims for obtaining products which have the characteristics of the product claims of Catalin and more particularly the translucency or semi opaqueness thereof which Catalin attribute to ultramicroscopic drops of water, retained in the hardened mass and of which the diameter is below 10 micromillimeters. So I put Dr. Schmidt and Brannon at this work. 
[[underline]] Nov 5. [[/underline]] Election - Republicans did better than in 1934 in N.Y State and some other states. Bets on 
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[[red underline]] Roosevelt [[/red underline]] in Wall street which was at odds 10 to 1 are now 2 to 1. All day in Yonkers [[red underline]] studying Catalin [[/red underline]] patent situation. George B here to talk over tomorrow interview with Mr. [[red underline]] Bell of Am. Cyanamid. [[/red underline]] George does not seem so very eager as he appeared before Celine. George and myself talked about Nina [[strikethrough]] 's [[illegible]]. [[/strikethrough]] 
[[underline]] Nov 6 [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] George [[/strikethrough]] We are receiving many very complimentary letters about [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] our [[red underline]] Silver Jubilee Review [[/red underline]] edition. 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] Meeting Bell with George subject consolidation [[/vertical note in left margin]]
George and I met Mr. [[red underline]] Bell at his office in the RCO. bdg [[/red underline]] He offered to come to us in our office but I preferred to go there. He was very friendly and made an [[red underline]] excellent impression [[/red underline]]. He started speaking about the present political situation and prospects of industries etc. and in our conversation we touched up on several general matters, also reflexion how some companies like [[red underline]] Allied [[strikethrough]] Dy & El [[/strikethrough]] Dye & Chemical Co were run by Wall Street men who [[/red underline]] took their industry as a side matter for their [[red underline]] Wall street [[/red underline]] financial acts etc. He also assured me [[red underline]] not a single man of our organisation would be laid off because they needed them [[/red underline]] and would not want to go into a merger if he was not sure that our men would stay. That furthermore our corporation would have [[red underline]] autonomous existence and feel as free as heretofore [[/red underline]] etc. I told him that in stuying carefully the situation that their proposition as formulated was not acceptable for several reasons: notwithstanding our willingness to enter into their group of companies. One of them is that the [[red underline]] stock they offer (Cyanamid B) has no voting power. [[/red underline]] He said that this had some serious advantages, but I did not ask him to explain these advantages: Told him my