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in part settlement of the debt of Leonard [[red underline]] Jacobi [[/red underline]] (deceased). - [[strikethrough]] This [[/strikethrough]] He ^[[runs]] owns that Company in Frisco and the Co has been [[strikethrough]] run [[/strikethrough]] running at a loss since the depression but now is able to pay its [[strikethrough]] defaulted [[/strikethrough]] arrear preferred dividends etc. The man made a good impression told me his father-in law - considered Leonard Jacobi (my former partner in Nepera Park) as the least intelligent of the 3 brothers [[strikethrough]] After [[/strikethrough]] and lost his money by his extravagant building of houses in Francfurt, Paris & San Francisco. After some consultation with Holmgren signed the petition [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] ^[[with]] the other stockholders. Told him he should pay the overdue dividend [[underline]] before [[/underline]] Jan 1-1936 so as to avoid the increasing taxes for 1936 [[red underline]] Dr. Lipman head of the Rutgers or New Jersey Agricultural Institute came to see me to speak about [[/red underline]] organisation of a special professorship at [[red underline]] Rutgers [[/red underline]] for [[black and red underline]] Soil chemistry [[/black and red underline]] Think about retiring of the Directorate which he now holds, so as to escape all the administrative work and devote his later years exclusively to teaching. Came at 4 P.M and stayed till 6.P.M. 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] Hurricane [[/vertical note in left margin]] Have received letter from [[red underline]] Andrew [[/red underline]] that recent [[red underline]] Hurricane in Florida [[/red underline]] has done no harm to my buildings but blew off many branches of trees. [[strikethrough]] Did not [[/strikethrough]] Uprooted quite a number of trees. Also lost one of the Coconut palms near 
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yacht basin.- [[strikethrough]] But no harm [[/strikethrough]] But [[red underline]] all Royal Palms stood [[/red underline]] well. 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]]
Howard Yacht [[/vertical note in left margin]]
But [[red underline]] Yacht Alice of Henry Howard [[/red underline]] which was in my basin was lifted [[strikethrough]] during s [[/strikethrough]] by a [[red underline]] 8 feet [[/red underline]] rise in level of water over my sea wall where she now stays high & dry and will need scaffolding to let her off again [[red underline]] Wooden dock of Calvert [[/red underline]] has been swept by the waves to near high ground, below his house 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] ION [[/vertical note in left margin]] 
As to [[red underline]] Ion [[/red underline]] which just had been brought from her shelter in Miami River, she has [[red underline]] strained her rudder [[/red underline]] outfit, which does not act on starboard and she leaks slightly on one of her sides but [[strikethrough]] nothing [[/strikethrough]] can easily be mended on the ways [[red underline]] Ion [[/red underline]] which was moored with [[red underline]] 2 chains [[/red underline]] outside the harbor so as to give her more scope behaved well until wind suddenly veered and got her from the East, and rising sea, dragged her anchors and floated over the sea wall of [[red underline]] Malcolm Mathesons Yacht Harbor, [[/red underline]] where she weathered remainder of the storm. - 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] Hurricane [[/vertical note in left margin]] 
This freakish storm coming from the North East [[strikethrough]] has [[/strikethrough]] and [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] so much after the September Hurricane season has upset all precedents. - Most of grape-fruit, oranges and other ^[[fruit, &]] avocados are on the ground but [[strikethrough]] som [[/strikethrough]] some of it will be shipped to Yonkers. 

Transcription Notes:
only added one word on this last edit...