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on many matters, while drinking a glass of beer. Then aboard my train at 9.50 PM.  Two women loud talkers and [[red underlined]] 4 children two of them [[\red underlined]] crying all the time occupy the compartment next to mine.
[[underlined]] Jan 2. [[\underlined]] The 2 [[red underlined]] crying babies still at work, the others are battering the partition, while the two women keep talking loudly. Snow and foggy landscape. Snow at least 6" thick in North & South Carolina and northern part of Georgia.
[[left margin]] Effect Hurricane at Anchorage [[\left margin]]
[[underlined]] Jan 3. [[\underlined]] Pleasant mild sunny weather arrived [[red underlined]] 7.30 A.M [[\red underlined]] at station.  [[red underlined]] Andrew [[\red underlined]] there with car.  See [[red underlined]] few signs of late hurricane until [[\underlined red]] I reach my property. Most trees have lost leaves & branches. The [[red underlined]] two large beautiful Mango trees [[\red underlined]] before garage have had most of their branches sawed off and are now leafless. Same for that big [[red underlined]] Pisocolobian [[\red underlined]] tree near church. One of our tallest Cocopalms has its crown broken off.  Almost all others have lost most of their fronts.  [[red underline]] Royal palms show no damage [[\red underlined]] except loss of some of their fronts. Fine [[red underlined]] Ficus Benjamini [[\red underlined]] next to our swimming tank
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[[left margin]] Hurricane [[\left margin]]
so beautiful formerly with its drooping branches, giving shade to our chairs and benches, has its [[red underlined]] branches sawed [[\red underlined]] off.  The [[red underlined]] cocopalms [[\red underlined]] around my [[red underlined]] harbor [[\red underlined]] altho' damaged and having lost many fronts [[red underlined]] look better than I expected. [[\red underlined]].  The surging sea wave, has swept [[red underlined]] heavy coral lumps over the sea wall [[\red underline]] into the harbor, where they lie now close to the inside of the sea wall.  Shall have to remove them so as to prevent damage to keel of boats lying near sea wall. [[strikethrough]]many[[/strikethrough]] Most of [[red underlined]] Hibiscus [[\red underlined]] have been killed by sea water.  Same for those 2 pretty borders of Firecracker plants. The [[red underlined]] surging sea - has swept away quite some of the upper soil [[\red underlined]] of the lower garden. This has been partially replaced by some purchased sand-loam.  All the [[red underlined]] small Australian [[\red underlined]] pines on lower grown have been [[red underlined]] trimmed. [[\red underlined]].  The Colis have all been killed by sea water. The [[red underlined]] Pandanas [[\red underlined]] in the [[red underlined]] circle are all gone. [[\red underlined]]  The [[red underlined]] grass has been [[\red underlined]] destroyed, also the [[red underlined]] Bananas. [[\red underlined]]. The sea water and spray caused more damage than usually because the [[red underlined]] hurricane occurred during the dry season and lack of rain since [[\red underlined]] then gave the drying salt spray an opportunity for damage