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on the leaves of most of my plants.  The [[red underlined]] Akees [[\red underlined]] in the [[red underlined]] Banana pit and other trees have had their tops and branches sawed off. [[\red underlined]]  Whole [[red underlined]] place looks very barren. [[\red underlined]]  On the other hand [[red underlined]] this gives me an idea for a better landscape effect, [[\red underlined]] less [[red underlined]] crowded. [[\red underlined]] - The Giant Bamboos as well as the [[red underlined]] Striata, [[\red underlined]] have [[red underlined]] suffered much. [[\red underlined]]  Nevertheless there are still [[red underlined]] a few grape fruit [[\red underlined]] and 3 or 4 [[red underlined]] Avocados. [[\red underlined]]  But the tall [[red underlined]] Bananas [[\red underlined]] are gone, and smaller ones are growing up.  The [[red underlined]] Akees [[\red underlined]] have [[red underlined]] had their tops [[\red underlined]] & branches cut off.
One of the Coconut palms I planted in [[red underlined]] 1928 [[\red underlined]] on the N. side of the cement stairs of my harbor, got hit by the yacht of [[space left]] and broke.  But [[red underlined]] Andrew [[\red underlined]] has [[red underlined]] planted another one [[\red underlined]] of about the same size in its place.
[[left margin]] New station waggon [[\left margin]]
[[red underlined]] Larkin, [[\red underlined]] salesman of [[red underlined]] Ford Station [[\red underlined]] Wagon drove me out for a demonstration.  Everything in this car pleased me so much that I decided to buy one.  What a difference between this [[red underlined]] 8 cyl. [[\red underlined]] motored car and endless [[?conveniences]] [[red underlined]] and my first motor car in 1899 [[\red underlined]] which was [[red underlined]] driven by a leather belt. [[\red underlined]]  Had a visit of Dr. Cary [[red underlined]] Hutchinson [[\red underlined]] then later by Dr. & Mrs. [[red underlined]] Fairchild. [[\red underlined]]  Both of them look to be in good health which makes me feel very happy.  Temperature of [[red underlined]] swimming [[\red underlined]] tank water when I took my swim [[red underlined]] is 72°F. [[\red underlined]]
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[[underlined]] Jan 5 Sunday. [[\underlined]]  Sent telegram to Karpen Bros, condolences for [[red underlined]] Adolf Karpen [[\red underlined]] who [[red underlined]] died [[\red underlined]] under second stroke after several years since his first.
[[left margin]] Neil Gordon [[\left margin]]
[[underlined]] Jan 6. [[\underlined]]  [[red underlined]] Prof. Neil Gordon [[\red underlined]] of [[red underlined]] John's Hopkins University [[\red underlined]] came to see me to arrange symposium next summer between invited specialists.  Wants me to preside section of [[red underlined]] Synthetic Plastics [[\red underlined]] and give advice how to subdivide [[red underlined]] the subject. [[\red underlined]]  Was here all morning.  Sent him back in old Ford Wagon,, when Larkin delivered the new car.
[[underlined]] Jan 7. [[\underlined]]  Went to [[red underlined]] Irving Thomas [[\red underlined]] to insure my new car against accidents.  Then went out driving the new Ford Wagon to get used to it.  At 1 P.M went to [[red underlined]] Coconut Grove Civic Club assembled to [[\red underlined]] discuss whether our community want the politicians of Miami to cut down the [[red underlined]] Coconut Grove [[\red underlined]] park to erect a [[red underlined]] stadium [[\red underlined]] and [[red underlined]] Tennis Courts [[\red underlined]] etc, by cutting out the [[red underlined]] Coral hill [[\red underlined]] and furnish jobs and graft to [[red underlined]] political [[\red underlined]] friends and [[red underlined]] contractors. [[\red underlined]]  Quite a discussion but [[red underlined]] meeting overwhelmingly against this ruse, [[\red underlined]] notwithstanding all the cunning of the leeches who want to feed on it.
Beautiful but very busy day.
[[underlined]] Jan 8. [[\underlined]]  Went out to Miami to get my drivers licence.  One of the