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[[underlined]] Jan 21. [[\underlined]]  Wrote Lipman also long letter to [[red underlined]] Max [[?Seligman [[\red underlined]] in [[red underlined]] Brussels. [[\red underlined]]
[[left margin]] Death of King George [[\left margin]]
[[red underlined]] Death of King George of England [[\red underlined]] causes causes general sympathy all over the country.  All newspapers speak highly eloquently about his character and the way he resigned, and he deserves it.  I doubt whether there is any country outside the British Empire where the people have shown such a spontaneous and genuine attitude of recognition.  The guess is now, how will his [[red underlined]] successor, [[\red underlined]] the [[red underlined]] young [[\red underlined]] and [[red underlined]] unmarried [[\red underlined]] former [[red underlined]] Prince of Wales, [[\red underlined]] now King Edward, will carry on.  In general he [[red underlined]] is rather popular [[\red underlined]] in [[red underlined]] the U.S [[\red underlined]] since his early visits here.  Many flags fly half mast.  Most laudable comments over all radio's here.
[[underlined]] Jan 22. [[\underlined]]  Finally, we have rain abundant [[underlined]] rain [[\underlined]] and continuous all day.  [[red underlined]] Soldiers Bonus bill has passed as [[\red underlined]] was to be foreseen.  The politicians who want to be reelected were cowed down by an organised minority of so called "Veterans".  Many of them who [[red underlined]] never had a Uniform [[\red underlined]] and others who never left the country and has a soft well paid job in the mean time.  Disgusting!
That [[red underlined]] painter Hutchison [[\red underlined]] who is painting that mural about inventors for Yonkers Carnegie Public Library, sent me a
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rough [[red underlined]] pencil sketch [[\red underlined]] as to location etc of several of the figures, for approval or advice.
Wrote a letter to Redman for his advice concerning that Synthetic plastic symposium of next summer at Baltimore.  Rain will help our plants to recuperate, which have suffered from drought since the Hurricane and its salt spray.
[[underlined]] Jan 23 [[\underlined]]  Rain all over.  Bright & sunny & mild temperature while everywhere north very cold and unusually large amount of snow.
Started my [[red underlined]] tax returns. [[\red underlined]]
Visit of Mr. [[red underlined]] R.W. Harrison. [[\red underlined]]
Also pleasant letter of [[red underlined]] Celine Roll, [[\red underlined]] to which wrote a long answer.
On account of bright dry atmosphere excellent rendition of Radio from distant points.
[[red underlined]] [[?Coral courtesy]] [[\red underlined]] of roads of [[red underlined]] lower garden [[\red underlined]] look cheerful, will be finished tomorrow.  A [[red underlined]] mural painting is being prepared in Yonkers Carnegie public library [[\red underlined]] in which inventors of the U.S and more particularly those who were active in [[red underlined]] Yonkers [[\red underlined]] are to be represented.
Am invited to sit by Hutchison the painter.  Wrote him to look up my portraits & lab.
Temp. at 8.30 P.M 55°F.

Transcription Notes:
Scan is blurred in parts.