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[[underlined]] Jan 24. [[\underlined]] - Bright & warmer.  Road making men around, levels roads of lower garden.
Went to [[red underlined]] Telephone [[\red underlined]] Co, to arrange for a better telephone number less liable to call "wrong number.  Suggested to Mr. [[red underlined]] Boyer [[\red underlined]] numbers 1-2-4-6-8 as less liable to be mispronounced than my now "59", often mistaken by "55". 
[[left margin]] My new phone number now = Bayview 1.4. [[underlined]] one four [[\underlined]] [[\left margin]]
Then visit to [[red underlined]] Fascells garden. [[\red underlined]]. Doing well. My Japanese friend Nakamura cheerful as ever but has had trouble with neck muscles.
Afternoon meeting at [[red underlined]] Biscayne Yacht Club [[\red underlined]] to establish [[red underlined]] rules as to guests [[\red underlined]] at [[red underlined]] annual Washington [[\red underlined]] Birthday celebration at Mathesons Island.  Present Burbank, Prevatt, Snyder & Johnson Treasurer present
My recommendations as to limit invited guests adopted.
Near Club saw a charming ketch called "Ranger" flying Cruising Club flag and my Houseflag Red B on white ground by Mr. [[red underlined]] Baker & his wife, [[\red underlined]] of the [[red underlined]] Cruising Club [[\red underlined]] (H. Martyn Baker).
[[underlined]] Jan 25. [[\underlined]] Mailed letter by Air mail to be typed at office for Dr. [[red underlined]] Neil Gordon [[\red underlined]] relating to [[red underlined]] Synthetic Plastics symposium [[\red underlined]] at [[red underlined]] Baltimore [[\red underlined]] next summer.  The men of Price took their rollers etc. away. Road renewal
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from harbor and around circle but still wet. So we got rid of that noise.
[[red underlined]] Richard Seabury [[\red underlined]] came to visit me.
[[underlined]] Jan 26 [[\underlined]] (Sunday) Beautiful day did not leave the place, enjoying it so much the more as I am alone.  Writing & studying and walking about my place.  Evening wonderful sky. The [[red underlined]] excellent music [[\red underlined]] on my radio, - starry night and waves splashing against my strand and every else so quiet.
[[left margin]] Meditations [[\left margin]]
The [[[red underlined]] Fowey Rock light house [[\red underlined]] signalling its rhythmic flashes my only companion far away.  Perfect temperature and [[red underlined]] no insects [[\red underlined]] whatever.  [[red underlined]] Thinking [[\red underlined]] of [[red underlined]] my past and present [[\red underlined]] life, [[red underlined]] Celine [[\red underlined]] my [[red underlined]] children [[\red underlined]] & [[red underlined]] grandchildren.  My dear mother [[\red underlined]] and my friends.  Most of the latter have gone to the "Great Beyond", where I may join them any day, at my age.  What tragedies befall men and women when they get old.  All this has been spared to us.  When walking around my place here all along [[red underlined]] I feel like a ghost. [[\red underlined]].  Do not know what will happen to me after I am dead.  But ghost-walking is what I would like most: and [[red underlined]] just now I am doing this ghostwalking among my trees, [[\red underline]] my lanes and every nook and corner of my house, thinking of all