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those [[red underlined]] who are dear to me, the future of my children [[\red underlined]] and [[red underlined]] grandchildren. [[\red underlined]]  The way they were when several years younger they were here and now almost grown up.
Think also to the [[red underlined]] many good friends who were so kind to me. [[\red underlined]] - My hard times, my successes and now such an abundance thereof, and [[red underlined]] my dear life-partner Celine. [[\red underlined]]
When thus walking at night around my garden, the radio bringing an excellent concert, [[red underlined]] my harbor in the moonlight, [[\red underlined]] and a flood-light over swimming tank and palms.  Then when I go in the house and look at [[red underlined]] old an new photographs [[\red underlined]] of our family, I feel as in [[red underlined]] a dream as a ghost returning to earth might do. - I have been [[\red underlined]] a very lucky man.  [[red underlined]] Will my grand'children be as happy? [[\red underlined]]
[[underlined]] Jan 27. [[\underlined]]  Drove to Sears-Roebuck for linoleum flooring for the ION.
[[underlined]] Jan 28. [[\underlined]]  Have received from California several [[red underlined]] samples [[\red underlined]] of [[red underlined]] Soya bean [[\red underlined]] food products.  Some of them are excellent.  I hope [[red underlined]] Soya-food [[\red underlined]] will gradually replace meat among higher minded people.  
On the other hand I cannot see how we can expect roar-butchery to cease as long as [[red underlined]] so called civilised men keep on killing animals [[\red underlined]]
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[[red underlined]] to eat them, [[\red underlined]] even the most disgusting animals as well as lovely birds.  [[red underlined]] Soya-bean [[\red underlined]] and its rich proteids, furthermore fixing nitrogen from the air without the intermediary of nitrogen fertilisers, [[red underlined]] might provide us with a rich, wholesome food. [[\red underlined]]  The [[red underlined]] Chinese [[\red underlined]] as well as the [[red underlined]] Japanese [[\red underlined]] have used [[red underlined]] Soya-bean [[\red underlined]] as a food since many many centuries.
Spent most of the day on my [[red underlined]] income tax Returns [[\red underlined]] and answering endless letters.
[[left margin]] Soldier Bonus bill passed [[\left margin]]
[[red underlined]] Soldier bonus bill [[\red underlined]] has been [[red underlined]] passed overwhelmingly over the veto of President [[\red underlined]] Roosevelt by politicians who want to be reelected, and are driven and frightened by well organised minorities.  This is our electoral system perverted from its purposes and action.  The [[red underlined]] founders of our country did not foresee this [[\red underlined]] and the tricks of politicians.  They carefully avoid voting for additional taxes, which however will be necessary.  They may try to postpone voting for these taxes until [[underlined]] after [[\underlined]] reelection.
[[underlined]] Jan 29 [[\underlined]] - 30.  Balance Bank, 104,779.
[[underlined]] Jan 31. [[\underlined]]  [[red underlined]] Lowest Temp. 50°F: [[\red underlined]]  All over U.S. record breaking [[red underlined]] cold & much snow [[\red underlined]] in northerly parts.
[[underlined]] Feb 1. [[\underlined]]  Wrote to Drs. [[red underlined]] Merriam [[\red underlined]] & Harrison Howe congratulations for their Medal of Am. Institute.  Mr. [[red underlined]] David Hutchison, [[\red underlined]] the painter who is to pain mural painting in Carnegie Library in Yonkers