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and where I am to [[red underlined]] be included in the group of inventors, etc. writes further inquiries [[\red underlined]] about grouping etc.  Referred him to Bloomfield.
Letter of [[red underlined]] George [[\red underlined]] in which he seems [[red underlined]] very tired [[\red underlined]] and [[red underlined]] depressed, [[\red underlined]] says even his [[red underlined]] memory is getting weak. [[\red underlined]]  Wrote him encouraging letter and hope that his vacation next week will brace him up.  Told him [[red underlined]] have passed thru same moods even [[\red underlined]] at his age and before and after.  Life is a succession of moods.
[[underlined]] Feb 2. Sunday. [[\underlined]]  Wired George to [[red underlined]] buy [[\red underlined]] those patents of [[red underlined]] Dutch [[\red underlined]] etc. on [[red underlined]] transparent Bakelite [[\red underlined]] which Whitaker offered us for 200$ and in 1932 and which were cited in the Catalin patent suit.
Beautiful mild weather.  No visitors here. - Great day.
[[red underlined]] Chesapeake Bay frozen over so are harbors of New York [[\red underlined]] and [[red underlined]] Boston. [[\red underlined]]  Difficulty of ships getting in or out ports even with aid of ice-breakers.  [[red underlined]] Coldest winter since 1917. [[\red underlined]]
About sundown went to visit the [[red underlined]] Fairchilds, [[\red underlined]] Prof. [[red underlined]] Thomas Barbour [[\red underlined]] of Harvard and [[red underlined]] Dr. Marriat? [[\red underlined]] the entomologist there.
[[underlined]] Feb 3 - Feb 4. [[\underlined]]  Went to meeting of Bay Biscayne Yacht Club 8.30 passed favorably upon my resolution to limit number of guests at annual Clam Chowder party of Washington Birthday.
[[underlined]] Feb. 5. [[\underlined]]  Drove to Miami to have my annual Captain license for my
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yacht ION, renewed.  Also to buy some supplies.  George writes me the [[red underlined]] Chicago Bankers [[\red underlined]] want to [[red underlined]] liquidate the debt of Karpen Bros [[\red underlined]] therefore offer to sell all the Preferred Stock of [[?hold]] by them as colateral about 14% of total issue. - [[red underlined]] George, Sanford Brown and Hays all in favor buying part or whole of this block of preferred if obtainable below par. [[\red underlined]] - No advice from Rossi cited.  [[red underlined]] Wired back to buy the whole block at par or below for Bakelite Corporation. [[\red underlined]]
Fortunately got some more rain this evening.
Mr. [[red underlined]] R.W. Harrison [[\red underlined]] came to fetch me to be present at meeting of [[red underlined]] Chemical students at Miami University where Dr. Walker [[\red underlined]] is to address them before his departure for a new position in the West.  Was ask also to address them and told them about some [[red underlined]] incidents of my life in my boyhood [[\red underlined]] and how I got to the University, and how much easier their own opportunities are.
[[underlined]] Feb 6. [[\underlined]]  Am very much annoyed on account of the [[red underlined]] water soluble (!) cement [[\red underlined]] of my newly laid [[red underlined]] asphalt tiles.  Dripping out [[\red underlined]] along the seams, whenever the moisture in the air becomes high and while the floor is cold.  This stupid cement is hygroscopic!
Afternoon Mrs. [[red underlined]] Elliot Shephard [[\red underlined]] called accompanied by her young daughter in law who lives in