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reports extraordinarily severe winter in N.Y etc.  [[red underlined]] Happy reunion. [[\red underlined]]
[[underlined]] Feb 11. [[\underlined]]  Much cooler weather.  Trouble with [[red underlined]] asphalt tiles curling up and loosening [[\red underlined]] their hold on account of that stupid so called adhesive.  [[red underlined]] Some of the tiles jump out, where they are most submitted to the drying action of cold dry air on their exposed surfaces. [[\red underlined]]
[[underlined]] Feb 12 [[\underlined]]  Columbia Alumni day but could not hear anything on the radio of the NY. meeting.  Had visit of Mr Albert E. Marshall, then about same time Max [[red underlined]] Wallerstein [[\red underlined]] and Dr. [[red underlined]] Max Bergman of Rockefeller Institute. [[\red underlined]]  Marshall wants to talk to me on business matters concerning [[red underlined]] Synthane [[\red underlined]] and [[red underlined]] Urea plastics. [[\red underlined]]  Will come back tomorrow morning.
[[left margin]] Marshall [[\left margin]]
[[underlined]] Feb 13. [[\underlined]]  Warmer weather.  [[red underlined]] Marshall came here [[\red underlined]] at 9 A.M and spent 3 hours in conference.  He [[red underlined]] wants Bakelite to join Synthane [[\red underlined]] and [[red underlined]] Cyanamid [[\red underlined]] as a group of [[red underlined]] licensees of Unite. [[\red underlined]]  Tells me young [[red underlined]] Dr. Duisberg [[\red underlined]] and other [[red underlined]] J.G. members [[\red underlined]] are [[red underlined]] disgusted with Carleton Ellis who has managed in his usual fricky way to keep hold of Unite. [[\red underlined]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[left margin]] Carlton Ellis [[\left margin]]
Told [[red underlined]] Marshall [[\red underlined]] am in [[red underlined]] favor of our joining the group he suggest, [[\red underlined]] but under no conditions do we want to have business relations with tricky [[red underlined]] Carleton Ellis. [[\red underlined]]  He agrees entirely with me and says Ellis has to be "castrated" by taking away all power from him.  This can be done by [[red underlined]] Unite, Cyanamid, Synthane and us, [[\red underlined]] paying a small royalty per lb. of urea plastics sold, just enough to pay the $25000 yearly minimum royalty to [[red underlined]] Ellis. [[\red underlined]]  Told him to meet George and Rossi and discuss subject with them.  Am writing in this sense to George who is now in South Carolina on a vacation and who will be back in New York by Monday 17.
Evening went to [[red underlined]] Fairchild [[\red underlined]] with Celine.  Poor Fairchild is in bed with a cold.  
Warmer weather and some good rain.
[[underlined]] Feb 14. [[\underlined]]  Letter from [[red underlined]] Hays recommending to sell some [[\red underlined]] of our [[red underlined]] Preferred stock [[\red underlined]] bought [[red underlined]] from Karpen, [[\red underlined]] to some of 

Transcription Notes:
Max Wallerstein should be Leo Wallerstein who published with Max Bergmann