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Also a letter to Dr. Richards Director of Museum of Science & Industry.
[[underlined]] Feb 17. [[\underlined]]  Rain & sunshine.  Went with Celine to Movies to see Arliss in "the Hobo".
[[underlined]] Feb 18 [[\underlined]]  Colonel [[red underlined]] J. Pope [[\red underlined]] visited this morning.  Tells me [[red underlined]] Cornelia [[\red underlined]] is to be [[red underlined]] their guest at Jacksonville.  [[\red underlined]]  Who will attend to [[red underlined]] Freddy? [[\red underlined]]
[[underlined]] Feb 19. [[\underlined]]  Went to visit [[red underlined]] Airport [[\red underlined]] with Celine at 5 P.M arrival of Air Planes from South.  Cheerful aspect of landscape and numerous visitors
[[underlined]] Feb 20. [[\underlined]]  Wrote to George and to Potter my intention of going to England in June for the International Meeting of Chemical Engineers.  
Livermore visited this afternoon.
Balance 104,220.
[[underlined]] Feb 21. [[\underlined]]  [[red underlined]] Andrew Murray [[\red underlined]] has [[red underlined]] hemiphlegia, [[\red underlined]] and his left eye is slightly affected.
Went for guest tickets to Miami for annual [[red underlined]] Chowder Party of Bay Biscayne Yacht Club. [[\red underlined]]
Wind shifted from mild S to N.W & N. cold.
Alternating showers and sunshine.
Got a letter from [[red underlined]] Julius van [[?Aubel]] [[\red underlined]] of whom I have not heard since more than 25 years.
[[underlined]] Feb 22. [[\underlined]]   [[red underlined]] Washington Birthday.  Bright sunny Northerly [[\red underlined]]
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winds but not to cold.  Andrew's child is ill and has high fever.
Left our harbor at 8.45.  Celine being only guest and none other outside, Andrew Murray.
Fresh northerly breeze arrived at the [[red underlined]] Hacienda [[\red underlined]] just after Mr [[red underlined]] Dougherty's boat had [[\red underlined]] tied up to the wharf.
[[left margin]] Bay Biscayne Yacht Club [[\left margin]]
This is the [[red underlined]] first time [[\red underlined]] new rules of [[red underlined]] every member being allowed [[\red underlined]] to bring along three of his immediate family, but to be responsible for the guests he inviting and to [[red underlined]] pay one Dollar for each guest. [[\red underlined]]  The guests to carry a white round cardboard identifying them by their name and the name of the member of the Yacht Club, whose guests they are.  I expected quite some opposition or complications in applying [[red underlined]] this new rule which I had proposed myself in order to prevent gate-crushing [[\red underlined]] and undesirable visitors. - But [[red underlined]] everything went very smoothly [[\red underlined]] and not a discordant note.  Excellent weather, everything cheerful.  Met many friends.  Unfortunately Dr. Fairchild