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swimming outfits and tanned skin make one think of South Sea Island.
I fear before a few years are gone all this will be gone by encroachment of real-estate and commercial activities, spoiling nature everywhere.  On returning here found the Howards and Mr. Stone (("Yachting and his son awaiting me on our sea-wall: - Made them taste my orange wine
More bad news about inundation and political situation in Europe.  Arrogance of Hitler and enslaved Germany under him seem to have no limits
Italy's dictator Mussolini is no much better, with his war in Ethopia. - Where will it end and after Hitler or Mussolini what will happen then?
[[underlined]] Sunday March 22. [[\underlined]]  Beautiful clear mild and restful day.  Wrote to Arthur Brisbane endorsing his recommendations for safety of our oil & gasoline storage in case of war; instead of excessively vulnerable exposed tanks.  He recommends underground storage against air-plane bombing.  Same as we in Naval Consulting Board recommended as far back as 1916, but without anything being done in this direction by U.S. Navy.
Wrote also to Potter that I intend to leave N.Y early days of June
[[underlined]] March 23. [[\underlined]]  Received a letter from Rachel much scared about
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war threatening again Belgium on account of present German aggressive attitude by Hitler, and the people he rules as a dictator.  Celine received similar letter from her sister Gabrielle.  Wrote to Rachel not to worry to much.  If she has to flee she should not go to England which might be invaded by German bombing planes, but to Holland or Danemark, which seem outside the present problem and where I could mail her money. - Have written to Guaranty Trust co to send me list of agencies
Received letter where Potter describes considerable progress and increased profits of Bakelite Ltd.
[[underlined]] March 24. [[\underlined]]  Went to St. Francis Hospital Miami Beach with Dr. Jeffrey to have cardiograph of heart, blood pressure, and Xray of Esophagus & Heart.  Everything seems very satisfactory as per his report. - Urine test also excellent.  Newspapers report further disastrous inundations
[[underlined]] March 25. [[\underlined]]  Wrote long letter to George B recommending new outboard motor for boats at camp instead of electric motor or heavy duty
[[underlined]] March 26. [[\underlined]]  Wrote George to ask his detailed suggestions about increase of some salaries and that I am in favor of it, but want his specific advice.
[[underlined]] March 27. [[\underlined]]  William A. Hamman died at Mount Vernon.  Wrote letter to his widow.
Celine gave her annual luncheon at Roney Plaza to her lady