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succeeded with the help of his scheming accomplices to bring the matter up before the U.S. Senate.  With "loaded dice" and all possible tricks they finally succeeded to impeach poor Ritter, with only one single vote, thus making the required two thirds.  Thus for their political ends, crucifying an honorable man and his family.  Dirty, cowardly politicians!  They have thus succeeded after long attempts of having a majority of one amongst the Federal Judges.  Both Celine & myself feel downcast at this cruel, coldly planned injustice.  The news came this evening over the Radio and caused me very little sleep.  Celine felt the same.
Political lawyers are the bane of the U.S. and the cause of the ever increasing criminality and trickiness.
[[underlined]] April 18. [[\underlined]]  Feel still much under the influence of that cowardly decision against Ritter. - Horrible politicians ready to any extreme to suit their ends.
[[underlined]] April 19 - Sunday. [[\underlined]]  Celine left this morning at 10.30 AM. for New York.  Beautiful day.  Went along to station with her.
Hygrometer today unusually
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dry: 30% in my sleeping room and 45% humidity in patio.  Wind Northerly but temperature 77°
[[underlined]] April 20. [[\underlined]]  Wired to George am preparing for a Southerly cruise of 5 to 10 days, intend leaving Thursday morning.  Wrote to Leon de Waele and to Dr. George Ellery Hale
[[underlined]] April 21. [[\underlined]]  George wires Executive Com or Board of directors must determine salaries.  So wired him this matter must be then postponed until my return.  Another wire from Miss Bidwell that Mrs. Williams wants to sell another 20 Bakelite Common at 60$.  Wired back to buy them for me.
Preparing for cruise.
Wrote to Leon de Waele in Brussels.  Also to Mather, about his visiometer
[[underlined]] April 22. [[\underlined]]  Rain & packing. 
April 18 = 74.899
[[underlined]] April 23. [[\underlined]]  Left The Anchorage at 9 A.M.  On board besides myself, only Andrew Murray & Rowe (colored).  Celine had left a few days ago for Yonkers.  Fine weather took usual course southerly Biscayne Bay etc. and at sunset anchored before Arbor Key, which belong to Matheson. X 4 P.M. [[left margin]] Lignum Vitae Kee [[\left margin]]
[[underlined]] April 24. [[\underlined]]  Calm pleasant night, and early morning visit to Arbor Vitae Key.