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of Henry & Mrs. Howard, who had visited him and whose work for Merchant Marine he lauded.  Then went to Curry's hardware store.  Old Curry at his desk.  Mrs Curry lived in Coconut Grove in her younger days and was well acquainted with the earlier settlers Com. Ralph Munroe, Keith Munroe, the Mathesons, James, Peacock etc and like much to hear about them.  Then I went walking around the Turtle Crawls, where numerous very large turtles were kept swimming around until sold or changed into Green turtle soup.  Hope tomorrows weather will bring less strong headwinds for our voyage homeward.
[[underlined]] April 29. [[\underlined]]  Barometer steady 32°2 at 7.30 A.M. [[left margin]] X [[\left margin]]  Temperature on deck 75°.  Wind N. by East same as has been blowing for several days and typical for this season.  Air very dry and crisp, seems good enough weather to get homeward, altho the negro Row, who is an experienced sponger and small boat man, thinks the open water will be difficult in Bay of Florida.
7.30 A.M left Jetty of anchorage at about to enter into North West Channel.  Wind & waves getting stronger, specially when we get them on our beam.  Instead of following channel to the end we cut Easterly just below S.E end of East Jetty
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which is marked by a Light Beacon.  Waves pounding badly and much rolling.  Finally took our course off shore, course 62° towards 26 mile distant Harbor Key light.  Strong head seas, and ship pounding much.  Foredeck constantly wet, but rear deck and cabin very comfortable.  Engine running well at about 800 r.p.m. and rear cabin and after deck kept well dry.  Row at the wheel, with occasionally Andrew or myself to relieve him.  Met only one boat during the whole run, a large houseboat following same course.  Ion behaved admirably.  Tried trawling and caught large mackerel.  Finally at [[space]] rounded the Harbor Key light then suddenly under shelter of the large flats, navigation became pleasant and simple.  Anchored before Crawl Key at [[space]] to spend the night and have some rest.  Wind still blowing strong but water in comparable quieter than outside.  Did some sailing in the pram while Andrew and Row went out fishing in the dark near the Mangroves of Crawl Key.  I went to bed early to rest.
[[underlined]] April 30. [[\underlined]]  At 12.30 A.M awakened and got on deck to see the Moon and stars, but was amazed to