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Sent her one of the sponges I have gathered during my recent cruise.
[[underlined]] May 12. [[\underlined]]  Wrote letters of congratulation to Dr. Jewett & Charles Kettering. (Franklin Medal)
got a hair cut & bought my return ticket for May 24.  Finished nearly all my belated correspondence.  A happy day.
Went to visit Richard Seabury in his new house, where he had invited me to give advice, about what changes to house & grounds.  Told him house is perfect and well planned.  Should not destroy it & build a new one as advised.  Tells me George Roll has applied for a position with him.  Does not like financial men.  Asked me my opinion about George Roll.  Told him his good sides and how by inexperience George Rolls head had turned by our bankers giving him too great and importance because he was my son in law, and our contact with the banks, while I never wanted to meet our bankers.
Seabury tells me has troubles with Dr. Hull, who also got a swelled head and altho' he got $50000 last year, now wants more.
Evening went to Cinema.  A very active and happy day.
[[underlined]] May 13 [[\underlined]]  Went to Miami for my passport renewal.  Met there a Mr. Spriggs and Mr. Rosemond who were very kind to me.  So sent my application to Washington + 10.00 for fees.
Andrew was with me and driving to a junk shop for some
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parts of machinery.  Found one having a large assortment of motors etc. and to my astonishment, quite a number of Bakelite current distributors as were used on the Liberty Motors during the war. - He tells me they are still much in use at present by owners of former Liberty motors.  I bought one as a souvenir of war times and a then very prominent use of Bakelite by Kettering-Deeds and the Dayton Ohio users of Bakelite.
Stopped at the Zoological Exploration Yacht "Anthon Dorn" of the Carnegie Institution of Washington and was glad to meet my old friend Miller busy and cheerful as captain of the yacht which was being fitted out in the Miami River for its next expedition in Southern waters.
[[underlined]] May 14. [[\underlined]]  More congratulory letters answered. - Classified my books & magazines.
Congratulations to Kettering & Jewett for Franklin Medal.
Received telegram signed Herty-Buffum, Hale and H.E. Barnard, sent last evening from Detroit congratulating me:
"Farm Chemurgic Council at is annual dinner did