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Monty Perkins, [[insert]] Montague Perkins [[\insert]] the barrister of Bakelite Ltd (London) now on a visit participated.  Allan Brown presided at the dinner.  Every one, men and girls, executives and laborers who had been at least 10 years with the organisation, were invited.  Lawrence Byck was ill and did not come.  All 25 year employes received a gold watch.  Presentation was made by George Baekeland.  Hays in his letter dated May 16-1936 writes:  I wish you could have heard him.  He spoke gracefully modestly and made a well rounded address as each person was presented made an individual presentation"  No-one could have done better.  Expressions of loyalty from different men etc.
Also received a telegram from Boomfield: "Third annual party of Bakelite old Timers meeting.  Friday evening this fifteenth, at Springfield New Jersy send you greetings esteem and best wishes. (Signed) Old Timers Committee.
All this makes me feel very happy, way beyond mere financial dividends.
This afternoon received my new Passport.
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Evening went to Cinema and there met Dr & Mrs. Fairchild and their guest Dr. Clench, Zoologist of Harvard.

[[underlined]] Note [[\underlined]]
This journal 56 got lost for one year until I found it back on Feb 10-1937 at the Anchorage.
Meantime my notes were continued from May 18-1936 in book marked [[underlined]] 57, [[\underlined]] which for about a year was considered lost.  LHD

[[underlined]] Feb. 11 [[\underlined]] - [[red underlined]] See Journal 57 for continuation.  From this date [[\red underlined]]

[[large red cross in middle of page]]

See Journal 57 at Yonkers for continuation of this set of notes.