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very antiquated and so were its methods. - Today it is a revelation of modern harbor construction according to latest conceptions and very efficient in organisation.  Many new passengers entered for Southampton. Fog makes us run very slowly
Finally entered the river where transferred with our luggage pell-mell, on a small [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] overcrowded tender.  Then slow trip, to reach the Southampton docks. - What a difference with the new harbor facilities at [[red underlined]] Cherbourg! [[/red underlined]]
Here everything old and black and looks as it did half a century ago.  Baggage dumped on the floor haphazard.  [[red underlined]] Porters [[/red underlined]] running around.  Rony waiting before I could get one.  Then inspection by Custom house officers.  Most of them young intelligent men, who make better impression than our politically appointed custom house men.
Then in [[strikethrough]] an [[/strikethrough]] crowded train which has been waiting most of the day for our arrival.  It is now about 8 P.M. instead of 11 A.M. as we expected to land.
Arrived [[red underlined]] Liverpool Station [[/red underlined]] after midnight. - Station [[strikethrough]] dark & [[/strikethrough]] black and antiquated as their trains. [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] Feels cold in midnight air.  Again all passengers to wait until all baggage is dumped out on the dirty floor and assorted as to ownership; then in a cab
[[left margin]] Mr. Henry Phelps Case, a Columbia graduate and of the early 80's [[/left margin]]
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polite driver, taking me to [[red underlined]] Washington Hotel, [[/red underlined]] - where I was no longer expected. But got a room with bath on top floor. - Simple but clean and comfortable.  Started unpacking my baggage.  It was [[strikethrough]] 11P [[/strikethrough]] 2 P.M before I got in bed.
[[underlined]] June 12 [[/underlined]] 
[[left margin]] Bakelite Ltd London [[/left margin]]
When I got up I found it was 10 A.M. - much rested.  Went out on a stroll in the neighborhood. - a quiet pleasant part of the City, near Picadilly and in a restful distinguished neighborhood. Pleasant weather, the park all green. [[red underlined]] London at its [[/red underlined]] best. Then arrived at offices of [[red underlined]] Bakelite Ltd. [[/red underlined]] which have been remodelled and much extended since they took in the floor below.  Still looks as a labyrinth.  Met Mr. [[/red underlined]] Cooper. [[/red underlined]] then Mr. [[red underlined] Kingsbury [[/red underlined]] who seems to have recovered from his late illness; then Potter; the latter tells me K is not as well as he looks. P. tells me [[red underlined]] business good [[/red underlined]] and increasing all the time.  They have started a [[red underlined]] Luxene [[/red underlined]] dept where several intelligent looking young men are eagerly at work. - Also introduced to a young man who Potter tells me is their Allan Brown for publicity. Everything shows [[red underlined] great progress since my last visit. [[/red underlined]]
Found a set of formal invitations in relation to the coming meetings.  Viscount Leverhulme, Imperial Chemicals Ltd, Potter etc. etc.  St. James Palace. [[strikethrough]] Rand Corporation [[/strikethrough]] Calder, etc