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26/ Fine spirit displayed by all.  [[red underlined]] Stockholders glad at their dividends [[/red underlined]] and the assurances that remainder of profits were to be used for strengthening & developing the company in new lines.  That we had no debts and reserves were building up.
A very pleasant day.
[[vertical notation in left margin in red]] [[strikethrough]] public amenities [[/strikethrough]] Public parks [[/left margin in red]]
I notice in the streets the nice behavior of poor and sick alike.  None of the noise and smell one ordinarily see in our crowds.  Same can be said of the public parcs of which there are many and all well kept and which are accessible to all.  Some of the visitors are spread out on the grass, sunning themselves others take a folding chair of which there are many Others simply sleep or read
Nor is there any such litter and old papers as are a disgrace to our new york parks.  
[[vertical notation in left margin in red]] Gout [[/left margin in red]]
I am struck again by the large number of men and women particularly [[[strikethrough]] in the [[/stirkethrough]] among the wealthier classes in hotels who are [[red underlined]] suffering from gout [[/red underlined]] or [[strikethrough]] arthritice [[/strikethrough]], arthritis, walking limpingly on sticks or crutches. Such infirmities,in fact seem to class the sufferer as a sick man.  It may be the climate, but other countries having the same climate do not show it that way.  [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] With all their [[red underlined]] heavy [[strikethrough]] meals [[/strikethrough]] meals. Heavy breakfasts, [[/red underlined]], snacks before noon meal, then their "tea" which is a meal in itself, then late dinner, often
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followed by a still later supper I imagine, the effects thereof show up in older age.
[[underlined]] June 19 [[/underlined]] People complain of the heat. [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] and [[strikethrough]] they [[/strikethrough]] a sudden rain & thunderstorm of short duration and doing quite some damage then lightning happened.  Record of [[red underlined]] 85°F which is the highest on record [[/red underlined]].
Am getting more and more invitations to appear among distinguished guests during next weeks meeting.  Went walking all afternoon after a long session in the morning with Potter and Kingsbury about business problems of Bakelite
[[vertical notation in left margin in red]] Swinburne [[/left margin in red]]
[[underlined]] June 20 [[/underlined]] went first to Bakelite office Bought an [[red underlined]] Opera hat [[/red underlined]] (collapsible) for one Guinea (1d + 1 shilling) which I shall need for official dinners and receptions to come Afterwards at 1p.m. for [[red underlined]] luncheon to Sir James Swinburne [[/red underlined]] 19 [[strikethrough]] Brund [[/strikethrough]] Bramaham Gardens S.W.5. London. one of the quieter corners of London.  A simple pleasant lunch Sir James, [[red underlined]] Lady Swinburne [[/red underlined]] and myself.  His wife [[red underlined]] seems very nervous [[/red underlined]] thin and tall and restless, [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] is probably in the late sixties or even in the seventies.  Probably has been very handsome in her younger years.
Talked about mutual friends and past events in Science and Industry.  Then [[red underlined]] Sir James took [[/red underlined]] me to his main room where we had a further long talk