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impression his voice is soft and deep and carries far. He made his speech without notes, extolling the services of the chemist and the chemical engineer, and contrasting their methods and aims with those of the politicians, mixing philosophy and wit. The man [[red underlined]] reveals himself as one of exalted thoughts [[/red underline]] and striving along practical lines for a better humanity. - What a pity that this man should have spent his life among politicians, whose aims and methods are so totally different than those of scientists and engineers.
[[left margin]] Dr. J.V.N. [[\left margin]] [[red underline]] Dr Dorr [[/red underline]] who at present had been elected as President of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, who here were by far the largest in number of any of the visitors from foreign countries made an excellent speech, well prepared and not too long which was much appreciated by all. He was placed at the head table on the left of Leverhulme. All the others on that long head table were the various official representatives of the foreign
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Governments or societies.  All others placed on separate round tables of 8 or 9 guests each.  We were placed at the table just in front of the Chairman and speakers. Mr. & Mrs. Potter of Bakelite. The others being Sir Hatfield of Steel fame, Col. Brockbank with many decorations, William Russel, Swan and their ladies. [[red underlined]] Most excellent dinner and varieties of wines [[/red underlined]] including champagne. But as usually here [[red underlined]] not a single glass of water [[/red underlined]] unless one asked for it, and wait until a miniature glass of water was brought by the waiter.
[[left margin]] Rutherford - much wine & no water [[\left margin]]
[[red underline]] Lord Rutherford [[/red underline]] (Australian) the physicist and former professor at MacGill Canada, made a long, very long and extended speech in which he tried to introduce some wit.  He is now entirely white and rather corpulent and has much aged since I met him in Washington some years ago.
Again a succession of toasts and speeches relating thereto to the King, the Mother Queen etc etc.  Also speeches by Dr. [[red underline]] Levinstein [[/red underline]] very witty but appropriate, then Dr. H. Nordemen, Sweden and official representatives