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to the building of the sister ship to SS. Queen Mary, which has recently been decided upon. I invited my friend [[red underlined]] Calder [[/red underlined]] to Liverpool to take luncheon with me at hotel. - 
[[left margin vertical in red]] London Museum [[/left margin vertical in red]]
After short nap went to visit the [[red underlined]] London Museum, [[/red underlined]] nearby in the Park. It is there where we [[strikethrough]] ha [[/strikethrough]] MacDonald [[strikethrough]] gave [[/strikethrough]] ^[[held]] the Government Reception. But at that evening between so many chemical visitors, their [[strikethrough]] wit [[/strikethrough]] wives and buffet there was little chance to see the exhibits as all the rooms were crowded then and constant interruption by introductions etc.
This is a very striking museum. Well kept, well guarded and much visited. Afterwards went strolling thru town took supper at Monico's and .. so to bed!
[[underlined]] Wang, [[/underlined]] the tall Chinaman I met is the official delegate of the Chinese Government.
[[underlined]] Sunday June 28. [[/underlined]] This afternoon I saw at Piccadily among the vendors of newspapersͯ [[left margin vertical]] ͯ called "The Black shirt [[/left margin vertical]] 
an intelligent good looking and well dressed girl on the sidewalk selling copies of the newspaper published by [[red underlined]] Moseley, [[/red underlined]] himself the scion of a titled and rich ^[[rich]] family who 
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[[left margin vertical underlined in red]] Moseley [[/left margin vertical underlined in red]]
organised a bunch of [[red underlined]] fanatics [[/red underlined]] who want to introduce Fascism in England. The paper is a rather stupid sheet trying to convert the well balanced Britishers to his absurd point of view. Fortunately does not have as much success as he proclaims in his sheet.
[[left margin vertical in red]] Why civilisation is hampered. [[/left margin vertical in red]]
Sometimes [[red underlined]] the world seems to me like a great mad-house. [[/red underlined]] Madness in many variations. The Bible says: the Lord created the world + man in 6 days, then took a rest. That rest left too much unfinished. The problem of the human race is [[underlined]] construction. [[/underlined]] Mental construction, [[red underlined]] greater intellectuality is not enough. [[/red underlined]] - higher conception of our interrelated duties towards each other. A better race higher ideals. [[red underlined]] Not boxing matches or faster running horses. [[/red underlined]] - not adoration of money, or wealth. But [[red underlined]] better children, physically morally [[/red underlined]] and intellectually. Our [[red underlined]] armies, wars, battleships [[/red underlined]] bombing planes and [[red underlined]] poison gas will not accomplish this. [[/red underline]] Our [[red underline]] problem is that of construction not of destruction [[/red underlined]] as Armies & Navies envisage it in some countries like [[red underlined]] Germany & Italy [[/red underlined]] Even the latter only [[red underlined]] imitate what France, England, Russia [[/red underlined]]

Transcription Notes:
on edit, added a few text inserts and red underlining