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a fine intelligent looking tall young man. His wife accompanied him [[strikethrough]] from [[/strikethrough]] and they took their motor car along to tour England and Scotland Meeting was presided by Dr. L. A. Gordon who is now the chairman of the section of plastics, succeeding thus Mr. L. V. Potter of Bakelite. Our Mr. Low of Bakelite Ltd is Secretary of the section.
[[red underline]] Jordan [[/red underline]]  is with the [[red underline]] Paint Research [[/red underline]] Association, Waldegrove Rd. Teddington, Middlesex which is part of I.C.I.
Dr. Butler, the Principal of Technical college stayed for the whole meeting.
[[vertical notation in left margin in red, underlined]] Houwink [[/left margin in red, underlined]]
[[red underline]] Houwink's [[/red underline]] paper was entirely theoretical and in his generalities he tried to place plastics in the same category as glass and call them organic glasses. He [[red underline]] made some very complimentary remarks on my work [[red underline]] and said that his most pleasant surprise was to meet me, something he never expected. 
[[vertical notation in left margin in red]] Bakelite [[/left margin in red]]
I notice that in his paper he uses the words [[red underline]] Bakelite [[/red underline]] and related work freely, also speaking to my earliest classification of states A. B. & C. thus contrarily to the Germans following Lebach, Resite & [[strikethrough]] Resolts [[/strikethrough]] Resols. The speaker rattled off his subject in rapid talk and
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[[right justified]] 55/
[[vertical notation in left margin in red]] Bakelite [[/left margin in red]]
many gesticulations, not referring to his written text. This was followed by a discussion and Dr. Jordan knowing that I was a [[red underline]] Fleming [[/red underline]] by birth - asked me to say a few words of greeting in our language which I did. [[red underline]] Olsen, [[/red underline]] awkward, [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] boresome and pompous [[/red underline]] as ever was around and spoke about being in charge of Shellac research for the Shellac traders in New York, and "that he [[underline]] expected [[/underline]] before long to be able to show some of his results."
[[red underline]] He is the man whom we sued successfully for infringement [[/red underline]] of my Bakelite patents, together with the [[red underline]] Hindu [[/red underline]] who was his partner. 
[[vertical notation in left margin in red]] Bakelite [[/left margin in red]]
Potter spoke also our Dring and our [[red underline]] Lowe. [[/red underline]] All well to the point. [[red underline]] Potter [[/red underline]] tells me the London & Liverpool meetings have been an excellent advertisement for Bakelite Ltd.
[[strikethrough]] [[underline]] July 10. [[/underline]] [[/strikethrough]] Found had just time to participate at the [[red underline]] dinner [[/red underline]] tonight offered by [[red underline]] Lord Leverhulme [[/red underline]] at Port Sunlight. - So drove in private omnibuses. Large gathering. Many speeches. As usually was placed at head-table. Cheerful [[strikethrough]] gr [[/strikethrough]] event. Then Bus back to [[red underline]] Liverpool [[/red underline]] with L.V. & Mrs. [[red underline]] Potter & Mr & Mrs Low (of Bakelite Ltd) [[/red underline]] just in time to get hold of my baggage. Then