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also had undertaken the same subject.
[[left margin in red]] Lougheed [[red underline]] Propellers [[/red underline]] [[/left margin in red]] 
Lougheed [[red underline]] intends to insert thin [[strikethrough]] cleet [[/strikethrough]] metallic wires in the laminated to increase its [[/red underline]] strength. Cautioned him about possible corrosion in case of incomplete polymerization or presence of impurities
[[underline]] July 28 [[/underline]]
At office. - George still on his cruise
[[underline]] July 29. [[/underline]]
[[left margin in red]] Hydrogenation of resins [[/left margin in red]]
[[red underline]] Wieth [[/red underline]] at office to speak to me about [[red underline]] hydrogenation [[/red underline]] of resins and more particularly our own resins for air drying. This hydrogenation [[red underline]] has for effect to insure permanent color [[/red underline]] and thus avoid darkening of our light colored resins. He asks me whether we shall cooperate with [[red underline]] Hooker Electro-chemical [[/red underline]] Co, who have carried out some experiments for us. [[red underline]] Told him we better [[black underline]] buy [[/black underline]] our hydrogen [[/red underline]] for carrying out our own experiments, and if successful and ready to [[strikethrough]] mo [[/strikethrough]] carry on at a manufacturing scale, it will be time to consider whether we [[strikethrough]] j [[/strikethrough]] should join hydrogen products, [[red underline]] preferably Hooker Electro-chemical [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] [[underline]] July 30 [[/underline]] [[/strikethrough]] Hurricane weather announced from Florida - Rather early in the season. Disturbance seems mainly allong the Northern part of the West Coast of Florida. 
[[underline]] July 30. [[/underline]] Got letter from [[red underline]] Andrew [[/red underline]] telling me [[red underline]] stormy weather [[/red underline]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[left margin in red]] Stormy weather in Florida]]
[[red underline]] struck "The Anchorage" [[/red underline]] doing some damage. Carried ^[[again]] away the wooden dock of Calvert. Water rose about one foot high above our lower grounds. Considerable amount of Avocados and other fruit shaken off etc. But no important damage. Subsequent rain helped to wash sea water from plants. Visited Berlozheimer and Randall at Chemists Club.
[[underline]] July 31. [[/underline]] Left at 8 A.M for Bound brook arrived there 10:30. Fine weather. 
[[left margin in red]] Brannons colorless & transparent resins [[/left margin in red]]
First met [[red underline]] Brannon [[/red underline]] who showed me his work with [[red underline]] Tetrone [[/red underline]] (C36) which [[red underline]] is regularly carried out on semi commercial scale. [[/red underline]] Showed me a number of [[red underline]] impressive samples [[/red underline]] of objects thus made. [[red underline]] Transparent colorless, [[/red underline]] rods and plates, also more complicated forms also a beautiful [[red underline]] transparent colorless cylinder about 10" diameter [[/red underline]] and about 12" high of which the [[red underline]] walls were about 3/8" [[/red underline]] thick [[strikethrough]] and le [[/strikethrough]] cast but not polished and which looked [[red underline]] like a glass cylinder. [[/red underline]]     
This department seems very busy and considerable improvements have been made in equipment and methods. Brannon tells me that by [[red underline]] using other organic bases, it has been possible to considerably reduce the amount of dissolved resin [[/red underline]] in the upper layer of the liquid after the reaction has been accomplished.

Transcription Notes:
Archie J. Weith worked for Bakelite Corp.