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[[left margin in red]] Weston [[/left margin in red]]
[[red underlined]] citizens and who honored me with his friendship from the first day we met thirty years ago. [[/red underlined]]
He was the first user of Bakelite for electrical purposes. [[strikethrough]] He dared [[\strikethrough]] When he first heard [[red underlined]] about Bakelite he exclaimed: "This is the very ^[[insulating]] material I have been waiting for 30 years. [[/red underlined]] He started using it for his electrical measuring instruments.
[[underlined]] Aug 22 [[/underlined]] George and Rossi are in Chicago in relation to [[red underlined]] Resibond [[/red underlined]] customers etc. since yesterday. Will be back early next week. I stayed in Yonkers [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] all day.
[[underlined]] Aug 23. [[/underlined]] (Sunday)  Sultry summer weather with fog on Hudson.
[[underlined]] Aug 24. [[/underlined]] All morning here. Afternoon [[red underlined]] drove to Montclair for funeral services of Dr. Weston. [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]]
[[/red underlined]] His children and grandchildren invited me in the room reserved for the family. - Protestant service and the usual quotations from the bible etc. [[red underlined]] So there goes another dear friend and great citizen. [[/red underlined]] His fine house, beautifully situated on the wooded hill contains a collection of oil paintings and other works of art.
[[strikethrough]] Returned [[/strikethrough]]Went and returned via that beautiful lower drive of the Palisade park, and its marvelous trees growing on the slope, then along upper road to Nyack thence by Ferry over Tarrytown
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etc. A moderately cool [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] but bright summer day.
[[strikethrough]] Sto [[/strikethrough]]
[[underlined]] Aug 25. [[/underlined]] [[red underlined]] Mr. Hutchinson, the artist who is painting the murals for the Yonkers Carnegie library where I figure among Edison, Pupin, Wright brothers, Alex. Graham Bell [[/red underlined]] and other distinguished men, [[red underlined]] came to see [[/red underlined]] me and we drove to his little studio on Hawthorne Ave.
The [[red underlined]] panels [[/red underlined]] are pretty well advanced and [[red underlined]] show great artistic skill. [[/red underlined]] On seeing them at first glance, I recognised most of the men, but looked in vain for mine. Until Hutchinson told me that [[red underlined]] the head I took for that of Rudyard Kippling, [[/red underlined]] (which rather puzzled me in this group of Americans) [[red underlined]] was supposed to be my [[/red underlined]] own portrait. - [[strikethrough]] He had [[/strikethrough]] [[red underlined]] This once more confirmed what Cecil Roberts had told to Frederick Norris in Coconut Grove [[/red underlined]] last spring, [[red underlined]] when Roberts on seeing my profile photograph in a publication, resembled so much to that of R.K. [[/red underlined]] whom [[strikethrough]] was one of his friends an [[/strikethrough]] he knew well.
[[left margin]] Cecil Roberts in his book: Sunward Gone makes the same remarks about me. [[\left margin]]
In this particular case, Hutchinson not knowing me and having seen several portraits of mine had [[red underlined]] preferred the one in profile which Falk made in 1916, [[/red underlined]] when I wore a goatee beard. After being told that