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[[left margin]] Tung oil [[\left margin]]
still discussing [[red underlined]] Tung-oil [[\red underlined]] combination; altho I advised them to drop it. - So called Major at the phone to instruct Rossi not to engage ourselves neither [[underlined]] verbally [[\underlined]] or by contract before, until we can discuss subject between ourselves.  [[red underlined]] Major, later on, told me he had written out my message on pencil and handed it during the meeting to Rossi, [[\red underlined]] but the latter [[red underlined]] went on nevertheless. [[\red underlined]]
[[left margin]] [[red underlined]] Rossi [[\red underlined]] [[\left margin]]
At 4 P.M met [[red underlined]] Drs Hixson [[\red underlined]] and [[red underlined]] Thomas, [[\red underlined]] who with me are members of [[red underlined]] Chandler medal committee. [[\red underlined]]
[[left margin]] [[red underlined]] Chandler Medal [[\red underlined]] [[\left margin]]
We all greed on Dr. [[space]] the biochemist of the Rockefeller Institute.
We [[red underlined]] also discussed plans for the 100th Anniversary of the birth of Charles F. Chandler, to be celebrated in May next year, [[\red underlined]] when at the same time the [[red underlined]] Chandler Medal [[\red underlined]] will be awarded.  Meeting of former pupils and friends of Chandler, and representatives of Col. of Pharmacy, Board of Health of City of New York, University Club & Chemist Club of which he was one of the founders; Am. Chemical Society, Camera Club etc.
[[left margin]] Federal Tax [[\left margin]]
In the morning [[red underlined]] Kline [[\red underlined]] came to examine Celines 1934 Federal Tax Returns.  She had to leave out her deductions for German Taxes. - [[red underlined]] I have to pay about $1750 more [[\red underlined]] to my taxes paid for [[red underlined]] 1934. [[\red underlined]]
Received a beautifully bound copy of the Anniversary edition of the Am. Journal of Plastics, with the first page bearing my portrait and a short review of the art.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Oct. 22 - [[underlined]] Oct 23. [[\underlined]]  George not at office has fever and is in bed.
[[underlined]] Oct 23. [[\underlined]]  George better and is at office but does not look well.
Afternoon went to [[red underlined]] Columbia [[\red underlined]] U. at [[red underlined]] Philosophy Hall, [[\red underlined]] met the other representatives for the anniversary celebration of Erasmus.  Prof. Barman presiding.  Afterwards spent 2 hours at new Columbia University, rationally built and admirably run.  
[[red underlined]] Dr. Stauss [[\red underlined]] expected to arrive in N.Y today.
[[underlined]] Oct 24 [[\underlined]]  In Yonkers
[[underlined]] Oct 25 [[\underlined]] (Sunday)  [[red underlined]] Dr. Stauss [[\red underlined]] went with George on a motor excursion then both came here for dinner accompanied by Freddie.  Pleasant weather and pleasant meeting.  George took Stauss then to Sleepy Hollow Club.
[[underlined]] Oct 26. [[\underlined]]  Wrote to Dr. Sarton about expected arrival of Prof. [[red underlined]] D'Arcy W. Thompson [[\red underlined]]
[[underlined]] Oct 27. [[\underlined]]  Went for lunch to Century Club.  George and [[red underlined]] Stauss [[\red underlined]] are visiting Bound Brook.  Went to Cameo to see some [[red underlined]] movies [[\red underlined]] which [[red underlined]] Russia's Government [[\red underlined]] is sending here to help the Communists in their propaganda, which is being spread everywhere by [[red underlined]] Russian Jews [[\red underlined]] enjoying the hospitality of the U.S. which they aim to destroy
[[left margin]] [[red underlined]] Rossi called to order! [[\red underlined]] [[\left margin]]
[[underlined]] Oct 28. [[\underlined]]  [[red underlined]] Had to call Rossi to order because notwithstanding warnings of Holmgren, Horn and myself, [[\red underlined]] he is entering into a contract for Tung-nut and [[red underlined]] Tung-Oil in Alabama [[\red underlined]] and [[red underlined]] committing our corporation for a large sum of money without [[\red underlined]] first receiving formal [[red underlined]] authorisation [[\red underlined]] to do so.  I do not like the kind of