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[[strikethrough]] 146/ 19/ [[/strikethrough]]
Feel well rested and fit. Celine [[strikethrough]] not [[/strikethrough]] no worse. I went to office attending to belated matters. Afternoon felt tired, not entirely recovered. Dick took [[red underlined]] 26 bottles [[/red underlined]] wine to [[red underlined]] Hackett [[/red underlined]] for next annual meeting of [[red underlined]] Older Graduates, [[/red underlined]] also copy of [[strikethrough]] Robert Cecils [[/strikethrough]] Cecil Roberts book on Florida, "Gone Sunwards".
[[left margin in red]] Dividends & Bonus [[/left margin in red]]
George's Part on common div. about [[red underlined]] 122000$. [[/red underlined]]  Mine about 36000. Celine's Trust fund = about [[red underlined]] 90000. For each of Nina's children about $21000. [[/red underlined]] For George B. children each about $1,530.00.  
Here is a partial list of [[red underlined]] salaries and bonus [[/red underlined]] paid to some of the men of Bakelite
                   Salary    Bonus
George Baekeland   25000     18 125
Hays                4000     10 875
Rossi              25000     18 125
Redman             15000     10,875
Swan               15000     10,875
Sanford Brown      25000     18,125
Holmgren           11400      6 809
Horn               14000      6 809
Lowe               12040      7 191
Major               8400      5 017
Wieth              11040      6 594
Blount              9000      3 447
Byck                6300      2 412
Carlson             6420      2 458
Oak                 7800      2 987
Mcharg              5700      2 183
Schmidt             6300      2 412
Shannon             6900      2 642
Zieman              6300      2 412
Barbour             3600      1 378
Brannon             3300        707
Brock               7500      1 607
Catlow              3600        771
Dodson              8100      1 735
Nielsen             8100      1 735 etc
Total bonus = 339,400$
All seem very happy and appreciative and I feel glad we can afford to 
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[[strikethrough]] 20 [[/strikethrough]]
compensate them for the years we had to reduce their salaries. [[red underlined]] Purposely I kept myself out of the bonus, for the same reason as I take no salary as president. This is rather different from other companies where the officer who holds controlling interest allots himself exaggerated salaries, even when the stockholders receive no dividends. [[/red underlined]] This has occurred in most banks and some large [[strikethrough]] b [[/strikethrough]] companies during the period of depression.
[[underlined]] Dec 21. [[/underlined]] My cold which bothered me for several days is over.
Have sent [[red underlined]] Hackett 26 quart [[/red underlined]] bottles of my wine for next reunion of Columbia older graduates.
[[underlined]] Dec 22 [[/underlined]]  
[[left margin in red]] Dr. Betts [[/left margin in red]]
[[red underlined]] Celine is better but still in bed. Dr. Betts [[/red underlined]] who treats her says it is a case of [[red underlined]] cystitis. [[/red underlined]]  Says will try first whether it is an acid condition or an alkaline, and will try by antiseptics to fight it before it reaches the kidneys. [[red underlined]] Believes Kidneys not not affected, [[/red underlined]] because she has no pains in the back.
[[underlined]] Dec 23 [[/underlined]] At office, clearing up belated matters and correspondence. [[red underlined]] All employes seem happy [[/red underlined]] and appreciate their bonus
[[underlined]] Dec. 24. [[/underlined]]  Stayed home. [[red underlined]] - Celine better. [[/red underlined]] Is allowed to leave her bed now and then when she feels like it.  
The office closes at noon and employes have vacation till Monday Dec. 28
[[underlined]] Dec 25. [[/underlined]]  [[red underlined]] Celine [[/red underlined]] sleeps well and is cheerful but her [[red underlined]] recovery may be slow. [[/red underlined]] This is the [[red underlined]] first time [[/red underlined]] in so many years that on this day we had [[red underlined]] no Christmas tree here, [[/red underlined]] with children and whole family around, and that Celine was not the center of the feast. We have transferred our Xmas presents to the [[red underlined]] Wyman's [[/red underlined]] Xmas tree