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[[strikethrough]] 21 [[/strikethrough]] 
where Nina's children will join the [[red underlined]] Wyman children [[/red underlined]] As to [[red underline]] George [[/red underlined]] he will hold a [[red underlined]] Xmas [[/red underlined]] trees at his rented house in [[red underlined]] Wilton [[/red underlined]] Conn. where his children will meet, and where he has also invited [[red underlined]] Peter Potter, [[/red underlined]] the son of Mr. [[red underlined]] Potter [[/red underlined]] of Bakelite limited who is now a [[red underlined]] student in Massachusetts. [[/red underlined]] 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] Son of Potter [[/vertical note in left margin on red]]
Altho' he is 19 years old he is rather undersized for his age and very bashful. As to [[red underlined]] Cornelia Middlebrook [[/red underlined]] she has rented the cottage near George's old property, which he has sold since the divorce. [[red underlined]] Cornelia's [[/red underlined]] children will visit her today or tomorrow.  At 11.A.M. had the visit of [[red underlined]] Mr. Wyman Nina her four children & the [[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]] 2 daughters and son of Mr. Wyman. Celine Baekeland Roll, [[/red underlined]] her sister Ninette and her brother [[red underlined]] Hendrik Baekeland Roll are now as tall as I am. [[/red underlined]] All are in excellent health. 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] [[red underlined]] Wyman [[/red underline]] [[/vertical note in left margin on red]] 
[[red underlined]] Celine Roll [[/red underlined]] makes a most [[red underlined]] excellent impression [[/red underlined]] and has developed into a [[strikethrough]] he [[/strikethrough]] very [[red underlined]] handsome gracious young lady [[/red underlined]] and looks decidedly older than She [[red underlined]] dresses simply but in excellent taste. [[/red underlined]] Her sister [[red underlined]] Ninette has entirely recovered [[/red underlined]] and looks strong and healthy and [[red underlined]] also very handsome and grown up; also is only 14 years [[/red underlined]] [[vertical note in left margin in red]] Xmas [[/vertical note in left margin in red]] She is dark eyed and dark haired [[strikethrough]] while [[/strikethrough]] and they remind of her mother and grandmother. [[strikethrough]] while [[/strikethrough]] [[red underlined]] Celine Roll is [[strikethrough]] blue [[/strikethrough]]  pale blue-eyed [[/red underlined]] and light blond haired. Same difference between boys. [[red underlined]] Peter, [[/red underlined]] dark complexion and 
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[[strikethrough]] 22 [[/strikethrough]]  
[[red underlined]] his elder brother, blue eyed [[/red underlined]] blonde. Gave them each a copy of Cecil Rogers book about Florida "Gone Sunward"
[[red underlined]] Wyman's children make good impression. [[/red underlined]] His tall boy is preparing to enter Cornell U. is a studious tall boy, rather thin looking and very studious. His two younger sisters make a good impression and get along very well with Nina's children [[red underlined]] Dickie Baekeland, spoils her prettiness by rouging her lips [[/red underlined]] and finger nails nor is there any good purpose in covering her naturally healthy lips and then color by dirty rouge which makes her lips look as if they were diseased. - Such are the stupidities of modes & fashion! Celine tells me that our grandchildren, very much grown up to my own size have the following ages: 
Brooksie Baekeland [[underlined]] 16 [[/underlined]] 
on Feb. 1937
Dickie " [[ditto for: Baekeland]] - -  . 17 - Since Nov. 1936
Celine B. Roll - 16 - Since Nov. " [[ditto for: 1936]]
Ninette B. Roll 14 - " [[ditto for: Since]] Oct 22 - 1936
H. Baekeland Roll 13. - Feb. - 1937
Peter " " [[dittos for: Baekeland Roll]] 9 - July 1 - 1936
Freddie Baekeland 8 [[strikethrough]] July [[/strikethrough]] Sept. 3 1936
[[strikethrough]] Georg [[/strikethrough]]
[[underlined]] Sat. 26. [[/underlined]] Bright sunny weather. [[red underlined]] Celine [[/red underlined]] who was up yesterday during the visits of the children has [[red underlined]] rested well. Have mailed a special delivery letter to George [[/red underlined]] informing him that [[red underlined]] Horn thinks it would be much cheaper and more direct and quicker to [[/red underlined]] 

Transcription Notes:
Edited to reflect text indicated by ditto (") marks per instructions