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[[strikethrough]] 25 [[/strikethrough]] 
The Century Club, prior to the annual New Year's eve dinner and festivities. And so to [[red underline]] my train at 9:50 P.M. of Pennsylvania Station. [[/red underline]] My compartment is next to Observation car. There are less passengers for Florida than had been announced by the Newspapers. The [[red underline]] Cash bonus distributed [[/red underline]] to our men amounts to [[red and black underline]] $339400.00 [[/red and black underline]] I write down at random some of the amounts:
[[vertical red line in right margin next to following list:]]
George Baekeland     Salary       Bonus 
[[arrow points to   --------     -------
top numbers]]    →   25000        18 125
Hays =                4000         2 900
Redman ---           15000   --   10,875
Rossi  ---           25000   --   18 125
Sanford Brown ---    25000   --   18 125
Hilton Swan   ---    15000   --   10 875
Alan Brown    ---    12040   --    4 191
Gordon Brown  ---    15000   --    8 959
Holmgren      ---    11400   --    6 809
Horn   ---           14000   --    6 809
Lowe   ---           12040         7 191
Major  ---            8400         5 017
Wieth  ---           11040         6 594
Blount                9000   --    3 447
[[strikethrough]] Low [[/strikethrough]]
Byck                  6300   --    2 412
Carlson               6420         2 458
Mcharg                5700         2 183
Oak   [[overwritten]] 7800 [[/overwritten]]
                      5800         2 987
      [[overwritten]] 7300 [[/overwritten]]  
                      6300         2 412
Shannon               6900         2 642  
[[end page]] 
[[start page]] 
[[strikethrough]] 26 [[/strikethrough]] 
Zeeman        ---     6300   --    2 412
Barbour       ---     3600   --    1 378
Dr. Allen     ---     4200   --      899
Brannon       ---     3300   --      707
Brock         ---     7500   --    1 607
Catlow        ---     3600   --      771
Dodson        ---     8100   --    1 735
Mrs Reutzmacher       3900           835
Nielsen       ---     8100   --   [[blank]]
[[bold underline in blue and black]] Jan 1-1937. [[/bold underline in blue and black]] 
Quiet life on train. Did not leave my compartment except when beds were stored. Had taken along a few slices of [[red underline]] Rye-Bread, Some apples [[/red underline]] - some canned beans and some wine. This made me as [[red underline]] independent as if I were in the state-room of my yacht, [[/red underline]] and did not have to go thru all the fuss of the dining car etc. 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] Train to Florida [[/vertical note in left margin]] Excellent opportunity for reading the Newspapers also two other books by [[red underline]] Cecil Roberts [[/red underline]] about his 'Pilgrim's Cabin' and country around Henley on the times. 
^[[underline]] Jan 2 [[/underline]] 1937 
Train arrived at about [[red underline]] 7:30 AM [[/red underline]] Seaboard Station. [[red underline]] Andrew [[/red underline]] there with Station car. 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] [[red underline]] Miami [[/red underline]] [[/vertical note in left margin]] 
[[strikethrough]] Bene [[/strikethrough]] Beautiful mild weather. - [[red underline]] Garden in better condition than ever before [[/red underline]]