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168/ The [[red underline]] Wymans [[/red underline]] left Northward in their car. Afternoon showers & thunder and wind shifting northward. [[red underline]] Celine found my lost journal in one of her drawers. [[/red underline]] Have been looking for it since last year. [[underline]] Feb 11. [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] Celine arrived [[/strikethrough]] Strong showers all night. Received a letter from [[red underline]] Dr. James Kendal, Edinburgh [[/red underline]] announcing me confidentially that [[red underline]] Edinburgh University is preparing [[/red underline]] to give to Dr. [[red underline]] Nicholas Murray Butler, [[/red underline]] President of Columbia University and to [[red underline]] myself, [[/red underline]] the [[red underline]] honorary doctors degree [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] D.K in July in [[/strikethrough]] of Edinburgh University. [[vertical note in left margin in red]] [[red underline]] Edinburgh [[/red underline]] wants to honor me. [[/vertical note in left margin in red]] - [[red underline]] This is the highest honorary degree and is not given in absentia So I shall have to be in Edinburgh at that time.  [[/red underline]] Received also an [[red underline]] invitation from [[red underline]] Governor Clarence [[/red underline]] D. Martin, Governor of State of Washington to be present at the [[red underline]] Farm Chemurgic Council [[/red underline]] meeting in Spokane March 22-23. - Shall write him cannot accept 
[[red underline]] Mailed back to Bloomfield some leather soles [[/red underline]] treated with [[red underline]] Bakelite [[/red underline]] and which were sent here for observation [[red underline]] about 3 years [[/red underline]] ago by Dr. Redman [[underline]] Feb 12 [[/underline]] This is [[red underline]] Columbia University day [[/red underline]] with [[red underline]] usual meeting [[/red underline]] [[end page]] [[start page]] \169
and dinner of [[strikethrough]] grade [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Alumni all over the world [[/red underline]] and [[strikethrough]] raid [[/strikethrough]] radio broadcast this evening. More rain all day. [[vertical note in left margin in red]] Columbia U [[/vertical note in left margin]] Exchanged some telegrams with Holmgren about insurance of employes of Bakelite Celine received a long [[red underline]] typewritten [[/red underline]] letter from [[red underline]] Brooks Baekeland, [[/red underline]] which he had typed himself on a typewriter Celine gave him at Xmas. [[vertical note in left margin in red]] Brooksie Baekeland [[/vertical note in left margin in red]] This long letter was a pleasant surprise to me. [[red underline]] Faultless [[/red underline]] and [[strikethrough]] shows [[/strikethrough]] showing [[red underline]] great intellectuality and information in a boy of his age. [[/red underline]] The [[red underline]] change [[/red underline]] in him [[red underline]] within one year [[/red underline]] is [[red underline]] extraordinary [[/red underline]] and gives great promise. The letter truly astounded me. [[red underline]] Makes me feel very happy [[underline]] Feb 13. [[/underline]] Since the cook arrived here my simple life is rather upset. by the formality of regular meals and waiting when I feel hungry. So I shall have to retreat in my study room and make a simpler meal on my electric heater. So that meal time does not interfere with my daly program of work. - [[red underline]] Hope Celine will not be offended; [[/red underline]] but this will leave her less hampered in her own daily program. [[underline]] Feb 14. [[/underline]] (Sunday) Wrote a letter to Rossi to be cautious to