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AC 0005
Diary 58    

[[underlined]] Journal NÂș 58 [[/underlined]]

[[manufacturer's stamped logo]]
[[star in circle]] SHAW'S [[star in circle]]
                 NO.S 3145

                  MADE BY
              WILSON-JONES CO
[[/manufacturer's stamped logo]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Journal [[red underline]] 58 [[/red underline]] [[/underlined]

From [[red underline]] March [[/red underline]] 
[[strikethrough]] 27 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[28]]
^[[28-]] [[red underline]] 1937 [[/red underline]]
to September 11 1938.

           This is the Journal of 
            Dr. L. H. Baekeland
            office address,
            247 Park Ave New York 

           Florida Residence:
           3715 Main Highway
           Coconut Grove, Fla.

[[strikethrough]] also, [[/strikethrough]] 
           New York State
           Summer Residence is - 
           Harmony Park, North Broadway
           Yonkers. N.Y.

In case of loss please write to any of the above addresses preferably [[underlined]] office address
Reward will be paid to the finder if he returns this book.