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[[underlined]] March 28, [[/underlined]] [[underlined red]] 1937 [[/underlined red]] -Easter
Sunday [[/underlined]]
[[left margin in red and underlined]] 58 [[/left margin in red]]
A most beautiful day. Bright sunshine and just the right temperature.-Both of us happy to be alive and in good health and spirits and thankful for it all.
[[vertical notation in left margin]] Skinner 211. S.W 22d Ave / Miami [[left margin]]
[[underlined]] March. 29 [[/underlined]] A man W.F. Skinner came here to inquire about Bakelite 
molding for use in charging dry batteries.-Gave him general information and referred him to Bakelite Headquarters. Took Dade County & N.Y. State, tax returns [[strikethrough]] fo [[/strikethrough]] to be sworn to before notary public. This afternoon gave to [[underlined red]] Sands [[/underlined red]] $5ºº for African [[underlined red]] Methodist Episcopal [[/underlined red]]
[[vertical notation in left margin note in red]] Catalin [[/left margin]] 
[[underlined]] March 30 [[/underlined]] A disagreeable rainy day.- Ion [[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]] still on ways.
[[underlined red]] Wired to Rossi that I consider opinion of Barus on subject of Catalin situation  the [[/underlined red]] correct one and that we should push this matter vigorously to arrange for license.
Have filed our report on [[underlined]] Intangibles
[[/underlined]] for 1937 to Dade County tax collector by registered letter.
[[underlined]] March 31 [[/underlined]] Guaranty Trust $177.ºº
Went to [[underlined red]] Boat Yard [[/underlined red]]. Still busy at the keel and shaft log. At the [[underlined red]] Pan American Air Line [[/underlined red]] station there is a revolving terrestrial

Transcription Notes:
A shaft log prevents water from coming into the boat through the shaft hole at the bottom of the boat. Catalin is a colorful, translucent, plastic material used in Bakelite products. Ion is the name of the Baekeland boat.