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well from his recent illness. Promised to send him copy of Gone Sunward. [[strikethrough]] Mrs. [[/strikethrough]] Mr & Mrs Robert Hiden Sykes called. Friend of the Kendalls.  Mrs. Sykes says she met Frederic Swarts. 
At noon [[red underline]] photo-group [[/red underline]] was made of all past presidents of A.CS now present here. - There are [[strikethrough]] 11 [[/strikethrough]] eleven!
At noon time was placed at guests table of [[red underline]] Sigma Xi [[/red underline]] fraternity. - between [[red underline]] Marston Bogert and Kendall. [[/red underline]] All three of us made a short speech.
This evening great Banquet for all members-visitors. Was placed on head table with Mrs. Cameron on right and another lady ? on my left. - 
[[vertical notation in left margin]]
Lady on my right was the wife of W. A. Noyes [[/left margin]]
The [[red underline]] dinner [[/red underline]] like everything was [[red underline]] well arranged [[/red underline]] but for the [[red underline]] horrible noise of [[/red underline]] the so called (music!?) and colored singers which made it impossible to keep a conversation. On my complaint Dr. Cameron who was in charge of the dinner, succeeded in diminishing the noise. 
[[underline]] April 15. [[/underline]] Still beautiful weather. This morning went to session of [[red underline]] Varnishes and protective coatings, [[/red underline]] where met many of the men who were last summer with me at the Gibson Island Symposium. [[red underline]] Dr. Bender [[/red underline]] gave
[[end page]]
[[start page]]  
[[red underline]] a good paper on the structure of protective coatings - Well [[/red underline]] attended.
A noon time met Prof. [[red underline]] Hibbard of Montreal, [[/red underline]] who tells me his brother Major Arthur Hibbard lives now in Cumberland. Firm Millom & Askom Iron Co Millom. - Cumberland. It has started to rain. At noon, at luncheon met [[red underline]] Mr. Henne [[strikethrough]] who is now a [[/strikethrough]] a Belgian X [[/red underline]] 
[[2-line note in left margin is bracketed and points to red-underlined phrase: Ohio State University]]
x Name of Belgian is: [[red underline]] Albert L. Henne Midgeley [[/red underline]] Chemistry Department [[/2-line note in left margin]]
who is now active at [[red underline]] Dayton Ohio as [[strikethrough]] head [[/strikethrough]] professor and research man for Thomas Midgeley [[/red underline]] and asks me whether I cannot induce Frederic Swarts to come over X
Rain keeps on more than before Dr. [[strikethrough]] Allan I [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Alen Ivy [[/red underline]] who has come from Bound-Brook in his car to me to [[red underline]] Sir Walter hotel in Raleigh; Archie Wieth [[/red underline]] accompanying us. All the time raining but had interesting conversation. This is [[red underline]] Alen Ivy's [[/red underline]] country where he was born. So spent the night at Sir Walter Hotel which is quite comfortable. Slept poorly and got [[strikethrough]] out [[/strikethrough]] up early 
[[underline]] April 16 [[/underline]]
to catch the early morning train to Miami. But the train was 1½ hours late on account of a break-

Transcription Notes:
"Midgeley" refers to Thomas Midgley, Jr. Please note that using a superscript for the "x" does not hold its place when page is reopened for editing. It overwrites the text.