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down of the engine in Richmond.  A long train with very few passengers.  Remained in my compartment reading.  Simple lunch + glass of my wine and a few cakes + a can of condensed milk was sufficient.
April 17. (Saturday) Train about one hour late arrival.  Pleasant weather.  Found a stack of letters to answer. Told Huchinson about rental of Fairchild house [[strikethrough]] while [[/strikethrough]] Says will not stay here long and decidedly not in summer. Does not seem inclined to rent the place. 
[[left margin in red]] Distinguished Citizenship of Foreign Birth [[/left margin]]
That [[red underline]] dinner [[/red underline]] of April 22 in my honor where I am to receive that Scroll of [[red underline]] distinguished citizenship of foreign birth [[strikethrough]] I cau [[/strikethrough]] is causing me additional bother [[/red underline]] not withstanding the fact that I have written weeks ago that I cannot go to New York on that date and excusing myself on account of health considerations.
Mrs. Harry M. [[red underline]] Bremer [[/red underline]] who is executive director of the National Institute of Immigrant Welfare writes me a long letter dated April 10 where I am one of the 3 guests of honor, their names not yet divulged etc. also copy of program - etc etc
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So I wrote her a letter, telling her how I had written long ago a letter to President [[red underline]] Leifur Magnusson [[/red underline]] in Washington also to Dr. H. W. Chase of New York University that I could not come, [[strikethrough]] & [[/strikethrough]] But that [[red underline]] Dr. Hixson my colleague of Columbia U. would replace [[/red underline]] me to say a few works of thanks etc.  Told [[strikethrough]] them [[/strikethrough]] her I am writing Hixson on this subject. - Letter was mailed next morning:
[[note in left margin]][[black and red underline]] Feel [[double underline]] very [[/double underline]] tired [[/black and red underline]] [[/note in left margin]]
[[underline]] April 18. Sunday. [[/underline]] Special delivery - by Air Mail.  Yesterday was a hectic day. So many things to attend to after my home coming. ^[[Have advised Miss Bidwell.]]
So kept here alone all day. Beautiful weather.
[[note in left margin]]  Sent   Mailed Air-Mail letter to Bidwell [[strikethrough]] G  regret [[/strikethrough]][[underline]] April 19.[[/underline]]
[[arrow points to note in left margin]]  Feel well rested for first time since I left here [[a second arrow points to activities on April 18]] last week
[[/note in left margin]]
Am [[red underline]] again troubled [[/red underline]] considerably with [[double red underline]] bleeding [[double red underline]] [[red underline]] hemorhoids. I wonder whether this is the effect of all the running about [[/red underline]] and excitement of these latter days. - [[red underline]] Hurried eating, also vibration of train [[/red underline]] etc.  Today still more letters arrived.  Am swamped with belated work.
Received letter from Ghent announcing death and burial of my dear old friend Prof. Dr. [[red underline]] Camiel De Bruyne [[/red underline]]