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but [[red underline]] again bleeding this morning [[/red underline]] but only for about 5 to 10 minutes. Busy day writing to George and Celine etc.
Afternoon visit of B. Aaron 1430 Peel street, Montreal, Canada who came to inquire to use Bakelite in conjunction of sand or carborundum for making filters and protective coating for wiskey containers, his firm is "Seagram" Montreal gave him some of the printed information and referred him to office. Visited R. E. [[red underline]] Valentine cousin of Dr. Franklin deceased (Lellan [[/red underline]] Stanford University. He was not in but his wife received me. Then went to Fairchild, where stayed till 9 P.M.
[[left margin in red]] Distinguished Citizenship [[/left margin in red]]
Received a letter from [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] this morning that she [[red underline]] intended [[/red underline]] to go to the meeting and [[red underline]] Banquet [[/red underline]] in my honor last night in New York. But on [[red underline]] reading the elogious remarks I had made about her in my written speech, she decided [[/red underline]] that it was to overwhelming and [[strikethrough]] therefore [[/strikethrough]] to listen in public and [[red underline]] has asked George to go instead. [[/red underline]]
[[underline]] April 25. Sunday [[/underline]] Quiet day. No [[strikethrough]] visitors. [[/strikethrough]] visitors, no bleeding this morning. Quiet day spent writing letters and reading
[[underline]] April 26. [[/underline]] [[red underline]] The N.Y. Times of April 23 [[/red underline]] has an editorial about my award of [[red underline]] distinguished immigrant Scroll [[/red underline]] and the issue of [[red underline]] April 24 [[/red underline]] has on last page (45) an article referring [[red underline]] to the Ceremony [[/red underline]] 
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[[strikethrough]] April 27. Receive at G. T. 151000. [[/strikethrough]]
[[left margin in red]] Fairchild Arboretum [[/left margin in red]]
This afternoon went to the gardens of [[red underline]] Colonel Montgomery to discuss the project of the "David Fairchild" [[/red underline]] Arboretum. About 100 people of Coconut Grove & Coral Gables present, among them many ladies. Montgomery gave a short sketch of what was intended. Then introduced Fairchild who made an interesting talk about the creation of new species in plant. Then I [[red underline]] was invited to speak and I tried to show the importance [[/red underline]] of biological research in plants as leading to important discoveries showing the way of utilising them in Animal biology and medicine. I gave the [[red underline]] history of the Boyle Thompson institute [[/red underline]] in Yonkers and how altho started modestly had acquired world-[[strikethrough]] wide [[/strikethrough]] wide reputation in a few years. I finished asking Montgomery whether his plans for the Arboretum had been constructed so that [[red underline]] those contributing money could deduct it from their Income Taxes, [[/red underline]] by making it a public institution for the advancement of Science. He answered [[red underline]] yes [[/red underline]] and [[strikethrough]] he [[/strikethrough]] "I am betting on this. Pleasant day of sunshine and