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[[underline]] May 3. [[/underline]] This morning
[[red underline]] bleeding [[/red underline]] started again = 7 minutes squirting; then [[overwritten]] 3 [[/overwritten]] 2 minutes drop wise at the rate of [[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]] 80 drops a minute = Then one minute at the rate of [[strikethrough]] 20 [[/strikethrough]] 30 drops a minute. In all bleeding lasted 10 minutes, since 6:30 AM.
At 7:40 A.M measured my pulse
100 pulsations per minute. 
[[note in left margin]] Pulse 84 and 100.
[[/note in left margin]]
At 1 P.M. another stool, with squirting [[red underline]] bleeding [[/red underline]] during four minutes. This evening visit of Dr & Mrs. Fairchild and Dr. [[blank space]] of Washington.
Letter to [[red underline]] Sir Richard Gregory also to Dr. Stauss, [[/red underline]] acknowledging receipt of Annual Balance sheet. - [[red underline]] Bakelite Gesellschaft seems to have taken new life since [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] Stauss got rid of the old timers [[/red underline]], and also reestablished friendly relations with [[red underline]] La Bakelite in France. [[/red underlined]]
[[note in left margin in red]] German Bakelite [[/note in left margin in red]]
[[underline]] May 4. [[/underline]] Again bleeding this morning at 6:45 A.M. = [[strikethrough]] Stool soft but [[/strikethrough]] Pulse = 78.
Stool soft but squirting [[red underline]] bleeding during 5 [[/red underline]] minutes, then 7 minutes bleeding dropwise
at about one drop per second during 7 minutes = equal = 240 drops. - Pulse = 80. At 9:30 after breakfast = 90.
[[strikethrough]] Went for haircut to Miami also to dentist, Dr Francis [[strikethrough]] Wielage [[/strikethrough]] Wielage to examine my teeth [[/strikethrough]]
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[[strikethrough]] and make XRay graph from my teeth. [[/strikethrough]]
[[underline]] May 4 [[/underline]] continued.
[[strikethrough]] 6:45 A.M. Later on pulse = 78. At 9 A.M after breakfast pulse = 80 [[/strikethrough]]
At 2 P.M. after luncheon and short sleep.  Pulse = 92. After swimming 4 P.M. [[strikethrough]] Pulse 104 [[/strikethrough]] Pulse = 104
[[underline]] May 5. [[/underline]] No bleeding this morning Pulse = 74.
[[note in left margin]]
Went to Dr. Wielage to make new Radio graph of my teeth. [[/note in left margin]]
Went to [[red underline]] Dr. Francis Wielage [[/red underline]] in Miami to have Xray made of [[red underline]] my teeth. [[/red underline]] Later on hair cut. Wrote most delayed European letters = Frederic, Dony-Hinault, Max Seligman, Boonray, Reychler, Sir [[red underline]] Richard Gregory [[/red underline]]
[[underline]] May 6 [[/underline]] No bleeding and again soft stools. Have been drinking more condensed milk and increased daily amount of [[red underline]] Psyllium seed [[/red underline]]
[[note in left margin in red]] Codicil to my will [[/note in left margin in red]]
Went to [[red underline]] Irving Thomas [[/red underline]] office to have a [[red underline]] codicil [[/red underline]] of [[strikethrough]] this date [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] my testament [[/red underline]] witnessed by three witnesses: [[red underline]] Irving Thomas, Pierce and Napier [[/red underline]] according to law. Have mailed the codacil to Celine, and kept a duplicate duly signed by the 3 above mentioned witnesses. This codicil is to prevent any