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40/  frequented as ever and taken as seriously as the Bourse in Paris or in New York by its operators and visitors. Postal stamp collections, carefully displayed in booths and cases, which can be closed immediately if it starts raining  Afternoon saw an excellent American Film [[underlined in red]] "Good Earth" [[/underlined in red]] at the Cinema de Paris, made after the book of the same name, which had so much success in the U.S. and [[underlined in red]] written [[/underlined in red]] by the [[underlined in red]] daughter [[/underlined in red]] of an [[underlined in red]] American Missionary [[/underlined in red]] in China.
[[underlined]] June 18. [[/underlined]] [[vertical notation underlined in red in left margin]] Perilhou [[/left margin]] Mr. [[underlined in red]] Texier [[/underlined in red]] head of the Bakelite [[strikethrough]] dvi [[/strikethrough]] division of Mines de Bethune [[underlined in red]] came early [[/underlined in red]] this morning at the [[underlined in red]] Hotel Continental [[/underlined in red]], to invite me to meet Mr. [[underlined in red]] Perilhou [[/underlined in red]], [[underlined in red]] head [[/underlined in red]] of les [[underlined in red]] Mines de Bethune [[/underlined in red]] at luncheon. [[vertical notation in red in left margin]] Sisters [[/left margin]] While I was sitting in a corner of the Patio of the hotel with [[underlined in red]] Texier [[/underlined in red]], telling him the earlier story of Bakelite and the formation of various Bakelite companies, there arrived suddenly [[underlined in red]] 3 ladies [[/underlined in red]] who on passing us, all three exclaimed: Oh! [[underlined in red]] c'est Leon!" [[/underlined in red]] and I was surrounded by my [[underlined in red]] sister, Celine's sister [[/underlined in red]] and her [[notation in left margin]] (Oda) [[/left margin]] [[underlined in red]] friend Mademoiselle Oda. [[/underlined in red]] - a most unexpected encounter. Gabriel and Asa had come to Paris to meet my sister who had just arrived from Brussel. Told them would take supper together at hotel this evening and then went with [[underlined in red]] Texier [[/underlined in red]] to the restaurant on Champs Elysees where Mr. Perilhou and [[strikethrough]] his [[/strikethrough]] the head of his sales department (Ventes des Produits Chimiques) awaited us at the [[underlined in red]] Restaurant. [[/underlined in red]] So we had a heart to heart talk about the record and conduct of [[underlined in red]] Surcouf [[/underlined in red]] and his relations
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[[vertical notation in red in left margin]] Sachs & Surcouf [[/left margin]] of Sachs in Germany, and why I had refrained from any further direct contact with La Bakelite. Told him [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] my experiences with Surcouf, Sachs, etc and the recent developments since [[underlined in red]] Dr. Stauss [[/underlined in red]] had written me about the reorganisation and engagement of [[underlined in red]] Mr. Texier, [[/underlined in red]] an able man of high aims [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] knowledge and experience. The right title of [[underlined in red]] M. Perilhou [[/underlined in red]] is [[underlined in red]] Directeur général des Mines de Bethune. He told me he refused his job unless Surcouf was first put out [[/underlined in red]], and expressed his disgust at the [[underlined in red]] contemptible [[/underlined in red]] way [[underlined in red]] Surcouf [[/underlined in red]] had run his job. He also mentioned that up till now the [[underlined in red]] French [[/underlined in red]] Co [[underlined in red]] had been refused [[/underlined in red]] from [[underlined in red]] Bakelite Gesellschaft the use of the ∞ trade-mark Bakelite [[/underlined in red]] A very pleasant dinner where I hardly touched the food; so much interested in the [[underlined in red]] outspoken [[/underlined in red]] attitude of [[underlined in red]] Perilhou [[/underlined in red]] who made an excellent impression.  Mr. [[underlined in red]] Hamm [[/underlined in red]] who was the only one present besides our three [[underlined in red]] did not open his mouth [[/underlined in red]] during the whole interview [[vertical notation in red in left margin]] French Bakelite [[/vertical notation in red left margin]] Afternoon drove to Bezon's new [[strikethrough]] Bakelite [[/strikethrough]] French Bakelite factory and lab,  Mr. Texier driving quite a distance from Paris 
Contrary to my expectation I [[underlined in red]] found a new well planned factory [[/underlined in red]] including [[underlined in red]] testing and research [[/underlined in red]] laboratories, manned by [[underlined in red]] engineers [[/underlined in red]] and [[underlined in red]] chemists [[/underlined in red]] who made good impression Also tall [[underlined in red]] Mademoiselle Sellier [[/underline in red]] who is one of the chemists who has been with the company since many years and whose father is one of the chemists [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]]or engineers of Bethune