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[[underlined in red]] Samples [[/underlined in red]] of the [[strikethrough]] manu [[/strikethrough]] goods mfd made a [[underlined in red]] good impression; [[/underlined in red]] so did everything I saw. - While I was there arrived Monsieur [[underlined in red]] Blandou [[/underlined in red]] who told me that in the past, [[underlined in red]] under Surcouf, the products of La Bakelite were so bad that he had to [[/underlined in red]] buy the goods of the competitors and sold them as 
"Bakelite to his customers
[[vertical notation in red in left margin]] Albert Degouy [[/notation in left margin]]
Then at the moment when I was leaving arrived a [[underlined in red]] short fat, flabby young man [[/underlined in red]], dressed in black, who was introduced to me as the son of Mr. [[underlined in red]] Albert Degouy (Belgian and friend of Surcouf). He made an unfavorable impression. [[/underlined in red]].
Evening invited [[underlined in red]] Gabrielle, Rachel and Mademoiselle Ada for supper [[/underlined in red]] in the great dining room of Hotel Continental. Spoke of old times old friends, Celine, Frederic and George. All [[underlined in red]] said [[strikethrough]] Comme [[/strikethrough]] of me: "Comme il ressemble à George!" [[/underlined in red]]
[[vertical notation in red in left margin]] Supper with sisters [[/notation in left margin]]
They told me that even my voice ressembled much his. - Very pleasant supper and remembrance of all who have disappeared to the Great Beyond! [[underlined in red]] Celine and George and Grace are going on in their motor trip thru Germany, Switzerland, France and Italy. [[/underlined in red]]
[[underlined]] June 19 [[/underlined]]
[[vertical notation in red in left margin]] Paris exhibition [[/notation in left margin]]
Went to see the [[underlined in red]] Paris Exhibition which is very far from being finished [[/underlined in red]] altho' officially ready and open. Some of the buildings barely beginning others half-finished and little work going on. On entering the most striking building is [[underlined in red]] Soviet Republic of Russia [[/underlined in red]], indicated by an enormous double statue of a man and a woman challenging with a hammer and sickle, all made of glistening silvery metal. The inside exhibit of the enormous building is a succession
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[[vertical notation in red in left margin]] Russian exhibit [[/notation in left margin]]
of paintings, photos, [[radious?]] jewells, [[underlined in red]] products of arts and striking statements all intended to bluff and mislead the public [[/underlined in red]] that enters [[strikethrough]] in mo [[/strikethrough]] and steps out the building in a continuous stream of old and young of visitors of every nationality. A most striking [[underlined in red]] extensive propaganda [[/underlined in red]] to bewitch young and old. A [[strikethrough]] lie [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined in red]] direct lie [[/underlined in red]] is a less dangerous weapon than a half-truth. Young people less acquainted with real facts are bound to be influenced thereby and cannot fail to imagine the Soviet as an earthly paradise.
Afterwards went for luncheon to the first story of the [[underlined in red]] Eiffel Tower [[/underlined in red]] which gracefully straddles the main passage thru the 2 lines of exhibition buildings. It was 11 A.M and I was the only customer for luncheon. The whole [[underlined in red]] group of waiters and waitresses, seemed only half awake and in slovenly [[/underlined in red]] uniforms. Half of them were negros or half breeds. The waitresses also seemed of [[underlined in red]] mixed race, negrito or morrican [[/underlined in red]] Among the [[strikethrough]] waiter negro [[/strikethrough]] waiters one tall thin [[underlined in red]] negro [[/underlined in red]] strikingly looking like a monkey. They all assembled on a table to get their luncheon, loudly speaking and laughing so that I could not help hearing what they said. In the mean time the blonde white manager was sitting alone at a table next to them, laughing and joking with them. The subject of their conversation was unrestricted and dealt specially with sex matters, the monkey-face nigger was the most talkative and outspoken. One of the subjects being