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Naturally I feel very elated.  The medal will be conferred at the coming meeting of the Society in Toronto.
Yesterday I went to Columbia University to confer with Dr. D. D. Jackson and Dr. Hixson as to the wants for equipment of our laboratories. Concluded to give $2000 of which $600 to Electrochemical lab. the remainder to the general chem-engineering lab.- Went afterwards to see Dr. Fackenthal, Provost of Columbia University, informing him of my gift, and requesting his aid so that my gift should be received as anonymous and absolutely no [[strikethrough]] publ [[/strikethrough]] publicity.  So I wrote him from the University Club a letter to the effect and containing a check for the amount.
At 2.30 P.M. went to Dr. Montague for examination before my departure for Florida.- Everything normal except that I have gained in weight and now weigh 180 lbs. as compared to 165 before my operation
Wrote letter to Dr. Kurt Ripper would visit him before [[strikethrough]] my dep [[/strikethrough]] taking train for Florida on Wednesday 29. 
[[underlined]] Dec 25. [[/underlined]] Xmas.  Day starts pleasant & sunny.  The whole Baekeland family at Snug Rock for luncheon. Besides Celine & myself were Phillip Wyman, [[strikethrough]] Nina [[/strikethrough]] his son, who is about to enter Cornel University, his two daughters
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George Baekeland and his wife, George M. Baekeland ("Brooksie") who has developed in a very handsome ^[[6 ft]] young man and 16, doing so well at his school and is preparing to enter Harvard
17 His sister Cornelia (Dickie) Baekeland who is now 18, very good looking, quick witted and reading more books than ever, but is a year backward in her school at Bryn Mawr.
Little Freddie Baekeland, the youngest of the lot, but restless and quick witted, thin, blue eyed and blond haired.
Then the Baekeland Roll children: Celine R. Baekeland who is at the head of her school (Emma Willard School) in Troy and very tall for her age and is as tall as I.  She's a studious serious girl of fine tendencies.  Blue eyed and fair haired.  Her sister who is one year younger dark haired and dark eyed tall and slender and very handsome; has finished up well at school, -but still has the habit of talking too fast.
Her brother Hendrick. B. Roll who is only 13 years old is unusually tall for his age; about as tall as I am.  On account of his size, not knowing his age one expects too much of him; but he is a serious studious boy.  Blue eyed & fair hair.  His brother Peter, much younger