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[[underlined]] Dec. 28. [[/underlined]]  My account at Guaranty Trust Co. Dec.24 = 159,854
Celine tonight went to see "Aida" at New York Opera House with Dickie, Celine Roll, & Nina Roll, and the Wymans.
[[underlined]] Dec 29. [[/underlined]]  At office in morning.  Took train for Miami.  (Seaboard Air Line) at 9.40 P.M.  Few passengers - Poor sleep.
Dec. 30 - In train
[[underlined]] Dec 31. [[/underlined]]  Arrival Miami 8.20 AM  Pleasant weather. - What a change with the bleak North I have left.  Garden an house well taken care of.  Found a stack of letters and Xmas cards that have to be answered. Dr. Hutchinson came to visit.
[[underlined]] Jan 1 - Saturday 1938. [[/underlined]]  Slept well.  Further unpacking.  Holiday for the men.
[[underlined]] Jan 2 [[/underlined]] (Sunday)  Beautiful Sunny day.  Dr. Gilbert Grosvenor who was with the Fairchilds, sends me 2 beautiful volumes just
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printed in colors (The Book of Birds" published by the National Geographic Society an a very nice note congratulating me on my Edinburgh Honors.  Also a long letter from Dr. Hauss passing in review the Bakelite Gesellschaft situation of 1937.  Output and sales considerably higher than ever before - [[underlined]] But [[/underlined]] no dividends are permitted to be sent here by order of the Nazi Government.
Temp. 76°F - Water in tank 74°
Andrew and his family out on excursion.
Tried my hand at driving with Ford Station wagon around the garden.  Examined details of the garden, the yacht etc.  Everything in good condition.  Quite some beautiful Akees on the trees.  Also Avocados.
[[left margin]] [[underlined]] Jan 3. [[/underlined]]  All day on my legs, arranging things.  Evening Dr. & Mrs. Fairchild paid short visit. [[/left margin]]
[[underlined]] Jan 4 [[/underlined]]  Wrote letter thanks to Dr. Gilbert Grosvenor.  Signed checks.  Wrote other belated letters