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The newspapers publish and comment on the broadcast of President Roosevelt which has been broadcast over the world and contains some generalities and promises.  Yesterday I wrote letter to Rachel, to Stauss, to Horn, Archie Wieth, Mrs. De Bruyne widow of young Dr. De Bruyne.
[[underlined]] Jan 5 [[/underlined]]  Went to Miami for Haircut and to Sears Roebuck Co stores for white cotton trousers.  Also bought a weighing scale to follow my weight alterations $24.50.  Those "Bath Room" scales are not reliable.  Afternoon went to Dr. Jeffrey to have general examination.  Tells me my heart and lungs are in good condition.  Took also a cardio-graph showing regularity of my heart beats.  Blood pressure also is good.  Afterwards went to Dr. Fairchild's place.  He was out but Mrs. Fairchild was in with the grandchildren of Dr. Grosvenor who are spending their Xmas vacation in their recently purchased estate. - I was struck to when noticing how the grandchildren of Dr. Grosvenor show the pronounced square lower jaw of their grandmother - specially the girls.
[[underlined]] Jan 6 [[/underlined]]  Received a cablegram from Potter of Bakelite Ltd, congratulating me on the Messel Medal award
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of the Society of Chemical Industry of London.  This seems to indicate that the news is out.
[[underlined]] Jan 7 [[/underlined]]  Beautiful day.  This morning went to make some purchases in the village.  Andrew & Rowe varnishing the Ion.  Sent a telegram to Dr. Tone at Chemists Club, where he is to received today the Pupin Medal.  Violent rain during the night and thunderstorm.
[[underlined]] Jan 8. [[/underlined]]  Have increased wages of the 2 colored men, Rowe & Charles to 14 Dollars weekly.  Have sent a cable to Viscount Leverhulme in England.  Thanking him for his kind letter announcing me (Dec. 16) that I had been selected as the Medalist of Soc. Chem. Industry of England and my best wishes to him and the Viscountess from both of us.
[[underlined]] Jan 8 [[/underlined]]  Cabled to Lord Leverhulme thanking him for his letter announcing me as medalist of Society of Chem. Industry and sending best wishes to him and the Viscountess.   Sign of Anchorage at entrance is again missing
[[underlined]] Jan 9 Sunday [[/underlined]]  Writing all day.  Letter to Calder, Mrs. Eliker Thomson, Potter, Jean Gerard about Amer de la Maison de Chimie, Colin Fink, Mr. Pouley, Secretaires of Society of Chem. Industry