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[[underlined]] Jan 10. [[/underlined]]  Had visit of Fairchild this morning preparatory to meeting this afternoon at Col. Montgomery's house concerning the Fairchild Arboretum scheme.  This afternoon at 4 P.M. at Col. Montgomery's expected a large meeting but only Montgomery, Dr. & Mrs. Fairchild, Jordan (head gardener of Montgomery, one woman, one young Professor of Miami University [[space]], one ? ?
Was shown by Fairchild two specimens of dried seed bunch and one fruit imbedded in a colorless glasslike substance which I am told is Methylsalycilate esther and is sold by Walker Fertilizer Co Orlando, Fla.  The substance on being heated, softens rapidly and melt, then burns, but on cooling it solidifyed immediately.
Jan 11/  Mostly all day writing belated letters.
[[underlined]] Jan 12 [[/underlined]]  Sunny pleasant weather.  Answering letters
[[underlined]] Jan 13. [[/underlined]]  Ditto
[[underlined]] Jan 14. [[/underlined]]  Received letter from New York State Tax - Albany, notifying
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me that my NY State tax returns for 1936 had not been received, nor any check for the amount.  Spent whole day looking up this subject and found furthermore that my check for $38.00 had been received and that I have the canceled check here.  All this gave me much work.
[[underlined]] Jan 15. [[/underlined]]  Write the check accordingly and gave him the description of the canceled check which I shall keep here until after his answer.
[[underlined]] Jan 16. Sunday [[/underlined]]  Writing letters all day, & nobody to disturb me.  Andrew and his family away all day.
[[underlined]] Jan 17 [[/underlined]]  Charles Sand, one of the Negros did not show up.  Wrote a letter declining to become a member of the New York Academy of Sciences, giving as a reason that I am already member of so many learned societies, where I cannot follow the meetings because I spend so little time in the North and do not go to evening meetings.
Jan 18  Got a very pleasant letter from Sir D'Arcy Thomson, President R.S.Ed. thanking me for my support to the republishing of his book.
Jan 19  Letter from Edwin Thompson J.P congratulating me on the Messel Medal.