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There we were met by the superintendent Sherwood, who showed me every attention and drove me and Murray along all the roads and interesting parts of the Island. Most beautiful weather. ION engine behaved well, - caught a very large Spanish [[strikethrough]] Make [[/strikethrough]] Mackerell on returning. The ION is in perfect condition.
[[underlined]] Feb 2. [[/underlined]] This afternoon went to the Fairchilds. There met 2 remarkable Britishers who were coming back from a camping trip thru Africa in a large trailer-auto, [[strikethrough]] ( [[/strikethrough]] in which they lived and slept, and camped. One is Colonel G. A. Duncan formerly in British Army.  The other Mr L. E. Taylor. With their "Caravan" as they call their trailer, they have been making color photos [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] in all the places they visited. Had a pleasant talk with them about the history of photography. Duncan is a scot who graduated from St Andrews University. In the early afternoon had visited the Munroes. Ralph Munroe seems very busy building or repairing boats. His second baby, both boys is just a few weeks old.
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[[note in top margin in red]] [[red underlined]] Brenecke [[/red underlined]] [[/note in top margin]]
[[underlined]] Feb. 3 [[/underlined]] - At home as usual. 
[[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Feb 4 [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]]
Strong rain last night much needed.
[[underlined]] Feb 4. [[/underlined]] Beautiful sunny day & good trade-winds. Mailed a check for $25.00 [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] to Mrs. Frederick Norris for and to the blind. Late afternoon had the visit of [[red underlined]] Robert Brenecke (and Mrs Brenecke) [[/red underlined]] who is the head of our Chicago office. He came here by his [[red underlined]] motor car, [[/red underlined]] after visiting several Southern States on business. His wife has developed very well since she was a humble but very able stenographer in our office. Showed them around the property. It was a pleasure to see their delight and interest in everything. Plants, fruit, trees and everything. They had never been in these countries so everything was new and evoked eager questions. It was a pleasure to see how both has developed. I feel proud to meet those who first in a humble capacity, later on growing up have helped us so much to make Bakelite Corporation what it is now.
[[underlined]] Feb 5. [[/underlined]]  All day [[strikethrough]] devoted [[/strikethrough]] consumed by writing and answering letters
[[underlined]] Feb. 6. [[/underlined]] (Sunday)  Bright undisturbed day and all alone Murray and family all away. Answered belated letters. This evening admirable Concert over Radio from Ford Motor Car Co.