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more and more billions, and buying votes by catering to the multitude. The only consolation is things are worse in many other countries. - Where will it end?
[[underlined]] March 11. [[underlined]] Celine and I went to City Hall Coconut Grove to register for election. Phil Wyman made some color pictures of Celine and myself. Busy day feel tired and nervous. Celine, and the Wymans went for supper at Mrs. Bretts.
[[underlined]] March 12. [[underlined]] The Wymans left to day for New York, sending their motor car by train.
Newspapers full of the news that Hitler and his Nazis have entered Austria without opposition and his army has taken possession Dr. Schusnick has resigned feeling that without the aid of France and England, resistance is no longer possible.
Everything points out that Hitler will next try to do the same thing with Czeko-Slovakia, Hungary and Poland. - There goes that foolish stupid treaty of Versailles, conceived and conspired upon by Clemenceau and Lloyd George, who succeeded so well in entangling Wilson unprepared for European tricks and jalousies.
Phil. Wyman is a friend of the present owner and director of the Miami Herald; who was an
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old classmate at Cornell. Mr. Knight makes a very good impression and is a Republican Wyman asked him his advice upon the plans of some republicans in the Miami district of proposing Judge Halstead Ritter for the next election as Republican candidate. The owner of the Miami Herald confirmed my own thoughts that such a procedure would be very dangerous to Judge Ritter, who would be again the butt of even worse calumnies, than those under which he suffered so much when he was removed from office. I told so to Mrs. Ritter and I hope the judge will feel the same. In fact I wonder whether Ritter could stand another unfair unslaught by a lot of politician-office-seekers.
[[underlined]] March 13 [[underlined]]
(Sunday) [[strikethrough]] My [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Our]] Federal Tax returns have been mailed last Friday. - Now busy on New York State Taxes returns which Celine is writing out for me.
[[X with arrow in left margin, pointing to notation in left margin:]]
[[vertical notation in left margin]]
x Invasion of Austria by Hitler as broadcast by Radio [[notation in left margin]]
[[underlined]] March 14. [[underlined]]
Busy day. Evening Celine and I went to see a movie: "The Hurricane" an unusual picture of tragedy, sailorship and a most devastating hurricane. Enough to give one a nightmare but admirably staged.
March 15. Another beautiful day, but still no rain. Afternoon had visit of Mr. Scribner of Boonton. Later, visit of Mr. Miller, inventor of the "Divinhood" a diving ap

Transcription Notes:
Although he wrote "Schusnick" Baekeland must be referring to Kurt Schuschnigg, Austrian Chancellor from 1934 to 1938