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[[underline]] Nov 10. [[/underline]] At office all day. Afternoon went by invitation to the [[underline]] preview of General Motors [[/underline]] Co. - Met [[underline]] Kettering [[/underline]] and others of their company. The Waldorf Astoria exhibition rooms, crowded to the utmost with cars and visitors.
[[underline]] Nov. 11. [[/underline]] [[underline]] Armistice memorial day, and annual meeting of the members of the US Naval [[/underline]] consulting board. - This year we were [[underline]] only 6. [[/underline]] = Whitney of Gen. Electric Co, Robbins, Wise-Wood, myself, [[strikethrough]] Secreta [[/strikethrough]] ? Sec. X and ^[[X Scott]]
[[note in left margin]] [[underline]] Major? [[/underline]] [[/note in left margin]]
[[underline]] Miller Reese Hutchinson [[/underline]] former assistant to Thomas Edison.
Meeting [[strikethrough]] occured [[/strikethrough]] and supper occured in Hutchinsons appartments 59 street X viewing Central park.
[[note in left margin]] X 180 West 59 str. [[/note in left margin]]
His place is full of documents, photographs and souvenirs of the U.S. [[underline]] Naval consulting board [[/underline]] and the war. -
Was back at Snug Rock about 11 P.M. The City was very crowded with men and motorcars.
[[underline]] Nov 12. [[/underline]] Prepared my lecture for Columbia X
[[note at bottom of page with a line pointing to previous entry for Nov 12]]
X. November 12. This morning the telephone bell rang and Celine went to listen but the operator told her it was for me personally.
[[/note at bottom of page]]
[[underline]] Nov 13. Sunday. [[/underline]] All day at Yonkers [[strikethrough]] for various work [[/strikethrough]] for various belated work.
[[strikethrough]] [[underline]] Nov 14 [[/underline]] My 75 anniversary [[/strikethrough]]
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So I went to listen: Then a woman's voice sang: "Happy birthday to you! - Happy birthday to you! - Happy birthday - happy birthday to you!". - I was wondering what it all meant until she added: [[underline]] Willis R. Whitney"! [[/underline]] 
[[note in left margin]] Willis Whitney [[/note in left margin]]
My witty friend, dear Dr. Willis Rodney Whitney [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] who was with us the evening before had arranged this surprise.
[[underline]] November 14. [[/underline]] At Snug Rock all day
[[underline]] Nov 15. [[/underline]] Lectured before the Chemical Engineering class. [[/strikethrough]] 
In the evening there was a bush fire in Untermeyers that threatened to blow over to Snug Rock, on account of strong northerly wind. Dick called the fire brigade. - they stopped it with hand grenades.
[[underline]] November 15. [[/underline]]
[[underline]] Lectured at Columbia U. [[/underline]] to the Chemical Engineering students. Several of my colleagues were present. Subject: "How I became a chemist". The room was crowded to the very limit. An excellent audience of men who made an excellent impression. Afterwards they crowded around me to have my autograph on their lecture note books.