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had been beaten by an unknown stranger. - She [[underlined]] offered 5 Dollars. [[/underlined]]  But he said he wanted [[underlined]] 25 at least, [[/underlined]] and she should not make it a check and [[strikethrough]] first [[/strikethrough]] she should put the bills in an envelope and a man would call for it at her gate at a definite time. Mrs. Brett went to a policeman of that district for advice (Coral Gables). The [[underlined]] policeman advised [[/underlined]] her to give [[strikethrough]] them 25 [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] 25 Dollars. [[/underlined]] After which she went to a policeman of the Miami district; asked the same question and got the same advice! - So she gave the 25$ to the man at her gate when he called for it!!
I got very indignant and told Mr. Irving Thomas Co of it. I also went to Mr. [[strikethrough]] She [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Sweetland; who seems accustomed to such extortions [[/underlined]] and intends to inform the authorities.
Started putting things in shape for coming [[underlined]] Yacht Club [[/underlined]] meeting
[[underlined]] Feb 21. [[/underlined]] Received a letter from George Baekeland, telling us his son [[underlined]] Brooksie, 
[[large X in left margin next to Brooksie's name]]
after leaving Cambridge [[/underlined]] to [[strikethrough]] spend [[/strikethrough]] visit his mother, instead of returning to [[underlined]] Harvard [[/underlined]] draw his balance from the bank about [[underlined]] $450.00 [[/underlined]] and having passed his exam and paid [[strikethrough]] t [[/strikethrough]] tuition for next period, has slipped out quietly for the [[underlined]] Far-West [[/underlined]] without
[[vertical notation in left margin]] X Brooksie runs away. [[/notation in left margin]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
telling anything to his parents. The latest news was to a friend to whom he told he had arrived in a [[strikethrough]] bus [[/strikethrough]] motor-bus at  ?  He is probably [[underlined]] headed for California [[/underlined]] and keeps us all guessing.
[[underlined]] Feb 22  Washington Birthday [[/underlined]]
Left early with the ION. [[overwritten]] 5 [[/overwritten]] 7 AM only with Murray. Up early packing wine and other provisions. Calm weather.  Arrived there first of all at 8 A.M. Warm and plenty of sand-flies. [[underlined]] My guests Celine, Judge & Mrs. Ritter; Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Dean; Mrs Grace Grosvenor [[/underlined]] daughter of Dr. Grosvenor President of National Geographic Society arrived with the Club boat.  
[[vertical notation in left margin]] 
Also Mr & Mrs Leonard Muller
     "     "     "      "
Mrs. ^[[Grace]] Grosvenor Blair
[[/notation in left margin]]
Fine weather with occasional light rain. Left at 4 P.M homewards. [[underlined]] Strong Northern Breeze, [[/underlined]] with light rain. Arrived at my harbour at 5 P.M. See photos in Miami Herald, Feb 22 also same date Miami Daily News. Arthur Curtis James was there also with his boat. Also many friends and acquaintances
[[underlined]] Feb 23 Stormy night [[/underlined]] and rain. Temperature this morning [[underlined]] 
45°F [[/underlined]] Cold all day
[[underlined]] Feb 24. [[/underlined]] Warmer and sunny. Afternoon visit of Prof [[underlined]] Ralph McKee [[/underlined]] his wife and another Doctor (German-Jewish?) and his wife