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night there is a continuous same noise, like the exhaust of a small steam engine. It never ceases but I find that that "exhaust noise" times with my pulsations.
[[strikethrough]] March [[/strikethrough]]
[[underlined]] March 19 Sunday. Dr. Palmer [[/underlined]] called me to be at his office 9:30 A.M.  
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Was the only patient at his office. Made examination, washing and general cleaning of nose and ears. - 
[[left margin]] ⨂  X [[/left margin]]  
Tells me it will take from [[underlined]] 6 to 8 weeks [[/underlined]] before restoration of my hearing and normal speech. Spent quiet day at home with Celine. She tells me my voice is easily understandable even when I whisper, and there is no necessity of trying to speak loud, as I do. - This is good news for me, as in straining my voice to be understood, it causes me a pain to do so.
As to the hearing, whenever anybody speaks to me I see their lips move but cannot understand them. - Celine obviates to this by writing rapidly on a slip of paper whatever she has to [[strikethrough]] d [[/strikethrough]] say. [[strikethrough]] The [[/strikethrough]] Am deprived of the [[strikethrough]] Radio [[/strikethrough]] Radio as it is mostly a confusion of noises.
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Made my regular nose-washings with the [[strikethrough]] B bron brown [[/strikethrough]] dark brown silver-compound [[strikethrough]] wh [[/strikethrough]] of
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which the chemical name has not been told to me, but [[underlined]] has an analogy with Argyrol. [[/underlined]] 
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It is delivered by Fossetts Prescription Pharmacy 168 S.E. 1st street. Phone 2-7691. Huntington Building. = Same building where Medical offices are located. For renewal prescription is 14896
This Sunday afternoon was a quiet restful day for both Celine and myself.
[[underlined]] March 20. [[/underlined]] Last night [[underlined]] same [[/underlined]] as usual.  [[left margin]] ⨂ [[/left margin]]  
[[underlined]] Nose-rinsing with silver. - [[/underlined]] compound every 4 hours, and  replacement of cotton plugs in both ears; main time reading increasingly bad news about European situation and Hitler and his accolytes.
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Went to Dr. Palmer for further examination and cleaning of olfactory channels, at 9.30 A.M. He tells me Dr. Jeffrey wants to see me this afternoon at 4 P.M. Gave new tablets [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] of Fosset's Pharmacy as pain killers, 2 of them to be taken diluted in water at 12, 4 P.M, 8 P.M etc.  After examination Andrew drove me around Yacht Harbor then along boulevard, stopping at different points whence to get a better idea of the situation of the contemplated Navy Air Base.
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Afternoon at 4 P.M went to Dr. [[underlined]] Jeffrey [[/underlined]] who gave me a [[underlined]] vitamin injection [[/underlined]]