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his letter to office.
Sent a daylight Telegram to George, urging him to find more information about Gerard who Dickie wants to marry.
Evening Celine and I went to the Coconut Grove Movie Theatre. Walked to there and return.
[[underlined]] May 2. [[/underlined]] Went to vote with Celine at the Coconut Grove Fire-engine building. Both votes for Hosea, ^[[Riley]] [[strikethrough]] McCaskill [[/strikethrough]] and Sewell [[strikethrough]] as [[/strikethrough]] for [[strikethrough]] City Com [[/strikethrough]] City Commissioners
[[left margin]] ⨂ [[/left margin]] 
[[underlined]] Dr. Palmer tells me there is an improvement in my [[strikethrough]] ri [[/strikethrough]] left ear. I hope he is right [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] May 3. [[/underlined]] 
[[left margin]] ⨂ [[/left margin]] 
[[underlined]] Dr. Raap made Xrays photo from left ear. - Also Xray treatment same ear [[/underlined]]
Catlow arrived here on vacation took him with ION on short trip to Matheson Island.
Sent telegram of greeting to Columbia dinner in honor of Jackson and McKee.
[[underlined]] May 4. [[/underlined]] To Palmer. [[left margin]] ⨂ [[/left margin]]
[[underlined]] Left ear still suppurating much.  Says another perforation of ear drum may be necessary. [[/underlined]]
This afternoon went out in Bay with Celine using alternatively engine and sail. Visited Matheson Island while ION was left at its dock. On returning Rowe caught
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large blowfish. Very enjoyable afternoon
[[underlined]] May 5. [[/underlined]] To Palmer. [[left margin]] ⨂ [[/left margin]] 
Last night [[underlined]] rhythmic pain in my left ear every seven pulsations. [[/underlined]]  Awakened at [[strikethrough]] midnight [[/strikethrough]] 1 A.M the pain started again.  [[underlined]] Removed cotton from ear, every half hour thus removing the pus frequently; thus stopping the pain [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] May 6. [[/underlined]] 
[[left margin]] ⨂ [[/left margin]] 
[[underlined]] No pain. [[/underlined]] Palmer decides to postpone perforation until Monday.  Celine packing her trunks for tomorrow.
[[underlined]] May 7. [[/underlined]] (Sunday)  Celine left by train for New York at 10:30 AM.
Dr. & Mrs. [[strikethrough]] Bae [[/strikethrough]] Fairchild at the station to see her off. I returned home where stayed all day
[[underlined]] May 8 [[/underlined]] 
[[left margin]] ⨂ [[/left margin]] 
[[underlined]] No pain last night, probably due to frequently renewing the cotton. Dr. Palmer concluded to postpone perforation. [[/underlined]] 
[[left margin]] ⨂ [[/left margin]] 
[[underlined]] Dr. Raap gave me another Xray ray treatment for sore ear. [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] May 9 [[/underlined]] 
[[left margin]] ⨂ [[/left margin]] 
[[underlined]] Dr. Palmer decided to perforate once more my left ear. Applied local anesthetic. [[/underlined]] - One sharp pain and all was over.  No further pain during the day.
This morning went [[underlined]] voting [[/underlined]] at the Fire station of Coconut Grove.
[[underlined]] May 10. [[/underlined]]  Real abundant rain; much