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about family matters etc. Tells me [[underlined]] Brooksie [[/underlined]] with [[strikethrough]] many [[/strikethrough]] ^[[several]] other college-men has an interesting job at one of the best fishery-factories in Alaska and is in excellent company among fine people. Good news! Afternoon Celine came to visit me, bringing clothes etc. for the time I am here.
Am very favorably impressed with this whole organisation of Columbia U. - Everything well conceived and run intelligently. Specialists attending to me in succession. - Feel very comfortable.
[[underlined]] June 9. [[/underlined]] Visit of Celine; then Bush; who is one of the heads of this hospital. - Talked about old times and old friends and Hooker Electrochemical Co. Tells me Dean Sage is very active in this Sage Foundation. Afterwards visit of Dr. Hans Clarke.
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Also Dr. Hans Clarke [[strikethrough]] Nina and Celine [[/strikethrough]] and Celine here 
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Wrote a letter to Dr. [[underlined]] Robert C. Clothier [[/underlined]]excusing my illness for not being able to be present at commencement of Rutgers University X of which he is president telling him of my predicament.
[[note at bottom of page]] X where I was to receive another honorary degree. D.Sc. 
[[/note at bottom of page]] 
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Have learned that the new drug [[underlined]] Sulfopyridin on some patients brings about vomiting [[/underlined]] and general other disturbances to patients who are "alergic" to it.
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So ^[[Dr.]] Fowler suggests [[underlined]] that we try sulfopyridin to see how I react. If I am not alergic then sulfopyridin treatment will make an operation unnecessary. [[/underlined]] This looks encouraging and will do away with the operation for [[underlined]] Mastoiditis. [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] June 10. [[/underlined]] This is the day when the [[underlined]] King of England [[/underlined]] and his Queen are visiting the New York World's fair. Great interest everywhere.  Reception at Columbia University where I was invited: but had to forego this. See the newspapers of today, which give glowing descriptions. [[strikethrough]] Boun [[/strikethrough]] Boundless enthusiasm. Celine came to visit in the afternoon. [[strikethrough]] feel [[/strikethrough]]
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[[underlined]] June 11. [[/underlined]] (Sunday)  [[underlined]] Feel much better and have not shown any ill effects of the drug Sulfopyridin. [[/underlined]] But now Fowler hesitates as to its advantages and says we shall wait until tomorrow to make a final decision.  
This is very discouraging to me.