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[[left margin]] Young McAdoo [[/left margin]]
Sun-roof, where patients are laid out on their bed or stools reading and receiving visits from friends or relatives. 
This afternoon Dr. Harold Fries came there to visit his friend Colonel Hammond who seems to know me and who is a patient. Also met there a friend of the De Vecchis, Mr. Alberto Prampolini who says he visited me in Yonkers with Dr. De Vecchi.
[[left margin]] Met McAdoo & his wife - He is here for an operation. Long talk about mutual friends [[/left margin]]
[[underlined]] June 24. [[/underlined]] Well rested - Sunny day feel in excellent condition. This afternoon, [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] while Fowler is away, the old surgeon and specialist on Mastoiditis operations who visited me about a week ago, and who was in favor of operating instead of using Sulfo-pyridin came to examine my ear. [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] He said nothing.
I sent a letter to Irving Thomas offering $25000 cash for the property of Norwood Calvert. Spent part of the afternoon on the roof garden. Feel as if I were not ill. Celine visited this morning as usually.
[[underlined]] Sunday July 25 [[/underlined]] June This morning visit of Celine. Afternoon Dr. Fowler tells [[strikethrough]] her [[/strikethrough]] me he may [[strikethrough]] let [[/strikethrough]] let me go home by Tuesday. - Meantime he stopped Sulfopyridin tablets [[strikethrough]] adminis. [[/strikethrough]] to see how this may influence my condition
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[[underlined]] [[strikethrough]] July [[/strikethrough]] ^[[June]] 26. [[/underlined]]  Excellent night. Altho' yesterday tablets of Sulfo-pyridin were stopped, I feel in excellent condition. Dr. Fowler submitted me to various tests to determine in how far my hearing on both ears, had improved. The tests showed excellent conditions in both ears.
[[left margin]] Leave the hospital [[/left margin]]
Told me I can leave the hospital tomorrow afternoon, subject to some visits afterwards to follow my case.
Celine came here to see me this morning and naturally feels glad about the good news.
While she was here we had the visit of [[underlined]] Mr and Mrs. Mac-Adoo. [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] who h [[/strikethrough]] McAdoo has been a patient here and is leaving today.  Celine who knew the whole McAdoo family in Yonkers the children of which went to school with ours. - McAdoo is the son of the [[underlined]] McAdoo of Tunnel fame, [[/underlined]] who later married the daughter of President Wilson.
Received also a charming 4 page letter from our friends the Fairchild's in Coconut Grove. Their son who was an exploring entomologist has discovered 
^[[a]] new variety of horse fleas that bite, in Africa, has returned