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it a public garden, provided the city of Yonkers is willing to pay for its maintenance.  However the cost of maintenance, besides the loss of revenue to the city are so high that Yonkers cannot afford it. - Untermeyer is now  about 87 years old.
Celine took Freddie to his school.
[[underlined]] Aug 15. [[/underlined]]  Wrote a letter to Brooksie Baekeland in India, urging him to let himself be vaccinated.  Also not to drink milk unless it has been first boiled for destroying infection.  Went to World's Fair.  Very hot again.
[[underlined]] Aug 16. [[/underlined]]  Another hot and sultry day.  At office, then U. Club.
[[left margin]] 176.412. [[/left margin]]
[[underlined]] Aug 17 [[/underlined]]  This morning at the office had the visit of Professor Dr. P. Heymans, formerly minister in Belgium (minister von economische Zaken, Middenstand en Landbouw) a distinguished engineer who speaks excellent english.  He brought me a letter from the flemish institute of Belgian engineers offering me the honor of honorary membership in the institute
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and delivering me a letter to that effect.
Heymans is a well informed man and his English is perfect.  We spoke about Belgium and its problems, also about some of my old friends.  Told him the Rector of the University of Ghent had announced me that the University had conferred an honorary doctorship on me while I was ill.  But that I could not go to Belgium at present.  Name of former President of the U. of Ghent is Haesaert
His successor is Goubac
Showed Heyman our offices then took him to University Club where I signed a visitors permit for him. 
He is now at the Plaza Hotel
[[underlined]] Aug 18. [[/underlined]]  Papers of consolidation were to be signed by me today but some formalities had still to be accomplished so signing is postponed to Monday
Went to the World's Fair.  Very hot weather.  Visited Bakelite Exhibit again.  Also Westinghouse Edison.  At the latter of General Electric Co. saw artificial thunder.  Edison light Co, very strikingly shown to visitors assembled in a large dark hall.  Then saw glas-blowing etc. etc.  All

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