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This evening (Nov 10) went to Chemist's Club, where Dr. Robert Wilson, (famous by his work on industrial utilisation of petroleum and other hydrocarbons in various industries and their numerous synthetic processes) [[strikethrough]] got [[/strikethrough]] received the Gold Medal [[strikethrough]] The area [[/strikethrough]] at the Chemists Club. The lecture and award, at the auditorium of the Club was preceded by a dinner [[strikethrough]] at the [[/strikethrough]] and reception at the Club. Wallace P. Cohoe presided. I was placed at the right of the medalist. Met many old friends. 
[[vertical note in left margin]] Cholet? [[/vertical note in left margin]] 
The lecture hall was entirely filled. - There again I was given the seat of honor [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] where Cohoe assigned me [[strikethrough]] to a [[/strikethrough]] while announcing my arrival. Wilson gave an excellent lecture. A very pleasant evening 
[[underline]] Nov 11 Armistice Day. [[/underline]] - Beautiful weather. At Snug Rock all day. - Evening went to annual meeting of survivors of the U.S Naval consulting board, held in private room of Century association: Present: W.R. Emmet Dr. Willis R. Whitney, Miller Resses Hutchinson, [[strikethrough]] Robbins, [[/strikethrough]] Scott Robbins and myself. Emmet described his progress with mercury heated steam engines I spoke about Bakelite fuselages and air-propellers etc. 
[[vertical note in left margin]] Mr. Mining engineer? [[/vertical note in left margin]] 
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[[underline]] Nov 11 [[/underline]]
At Snug Rock all day. This morning visit from Baekeland Roll, who has become [[underline]] still taller [[/underilne]], and his sister Celine B Roll. Both look healthy and happy. Fine girl and fine boy.  
[[underline]] Nov 12 [[/underline]] (Sunday) [[strikethrough]] He [[/strikethrough]] At Snug Rock all day 
[[underline]] Nov 13 [[/underline]] Gave check to Coykendal for Columbia dept of Chemical Engineering [[underline]] Nov 14 [[/underline]] Anniversary. - Went to office. 
[[note in left margin]] 212.999 [[/note in left margin]]  
[[strikethrough]] Evening [[/strikethrough]] Took young van Hecke son of Prof v.H. to the University Club for luncheon. 
He makes an excellent impression. He is one of the Belgian graduates who came here to study by the Hoover foundation. This evening Nina and her husband came here on occasion of my 76th anniversary. [[underline]] Nov 15 [[/underline]] At [[strikethrough]] Ce [[/strikethrough]] office. Then at Century Association for luncheon. Sent in my application for the 75th anniversary dinner of Columbia School of Mines organisation 
[[underline]] Nov 16 [[/underline]] At "Snug Rock". - Sunny pleasant day Celine out with Dick to New- York. Ninette from her school in Washington sent me a nice anniversary telegram. Her school is in "Chevy Chease". This evening Chandler Medal evening and Chandler medal award to Thomas Hamilton Chilton, head of Chemical engineering department of Dupont de Nemours Company. He graduated from Columbia in 1922. Medal award and lecture by Chilton was preceded by an excellent  supper at the faculty Club where members of our faculty and